Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


POSIX Subroutine: Gets the process ID of the calling process.



CALL PXFGETPID (ipid,ierror)


(Output) INTEGER(4). The returned process ID.


(Output) INTEGER(4). The error status.

If successful, ierror is set to zero; otherwise, an error code.


program t1 use ifposix integer(4) ipid, istat, ierror, ipid_ret, istat_ret print *," the child process will be born" call PXFFORK(IPID, IERROR) call PXFGETPID(IPID_RET,IERROR) if(IPID.EQ.0) then print *," I am a child process" print *," My child's pid is", IPID_RET call PXFGETPPID(IPID_RET,IERROR) print *," The pid of my parent is",IPID_RET print *," Now I have exited with code 0xABCD" call PXFEXIT(Z'ABCD') else print *," I am a parent process" print *," My parent pid is ", IPID_RET print *," I am creating the process with pid", IPID print *," Now I am waiting for the end of the child process" call PXFWAIT(ISTAT, IPID_RET, IERROR) print *," The child with pid ", IPID_RET," has exited" if( PXFWIFEXITED(ISTAT) ) then print *, " The child exited normally" istat_ret = IPXFWEXITSTATUS(ISTAT) print 10," The low byte of the child exit code is", istat_ret end if end if 10 FORMAT (A,Z) end program