Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-4A907BC3-0B8D-4E47-BC08-1C9DCBDB648A
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-4A907BC3-0B8D-4E47-BC08-1C9DCBDB648A
OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Identifies a variant of a base procedure and specifies the context in which this variant is used.
!$OMP DECLARE VARIANT ([base-proc-name:]variant-proc-name) clause[[[,] clause]... ]
base-proc-name |
Is the name of a base procedure. It is the name that appears in a procedure reference and is replaced by the variant name if the procedure reference appears in the OpenMP* context specified by the MATCH clause. base-proc-name must have an accessible explicit interface. |
variant-proc-name |
Is the name of the variant procedure that is to be called instead of the base procedure if the base procedure is called from an OpenMP* context that matches the context specified by the MATCH clause. |
clause |
Is one or more of the following:
An APPEND_ARGS clause or ADJUST_ARGS clause is not permitted unless a MATCH clause also appears that specifies CONSTRUCT= {DISPATCH} as a selector. |
The DECLARE VARIANT directive is a declarative directive and must appear in the specification part of a subroutine or function, or in an interface in an interface block. It is a pure directive, so it can appear in a Fortran PURE procedure. It identifies the name of a variant procedure that is to be called instead of the base procedure when the call appears in a context that matches the context-selector-specification in the MATCH clause.
If base-proc-name is not specified, the name of the procedure containing the directive is the base-proc-name. base-proc-name must not be a dummy procedure name, a statement function name, a generic name, a procedure pointer, or an alternate entry name.
If a DECLARE VARIANT directive appears in an interface body for a procedure, it must match a DECLARE VARIANT directive in the definition of that procedure. If a DECLARE VARIANT directive appears for a procedure with an explicit interface, and the definition of that procedure also contains a DECLARE VARIANT directive for that procedure, the two directives must match.
Multiple DECLARE VARIANT directives can associate different variant-proc-names with the same base-proc-name. If more than one DECLARE VARIANT associates the same variant-proc-name with the same base-proc-name, then the context-selector-specification must be the same for all such directives.
A variant procedure must have the same interface characteristics as the base procedure.
When the ADJUST_ARGS clause is specified, an argument with the is-device-ptr property in its interoperability requirement set will be passed as is. Otherwise, the argument will be converted in the same way that a USE_DEVICE_PTR clause in a TARGET DATA construct converts a pointer list item into a device pointer.
When the APPEND_ARGS clause appears, the following occurs:
For each modifier specified, an additional argument of type omp_interop_kind from the interoperability requirement set of the encountering task is added to the end of the argument list of the base procedure.
The ordering of the appended arguments is the same as the order of the modifiers that are specified in modifier-list in parentheses following the INTEROP keyword in the APPEND_ARGS clause.
Each argument is constructed as if an INTEROP construct specifying an INIT clause with the corresponding modifier was present.
If the interoperability requirement set contains properties that could be used as INTEROP construct clauses, it is as if the INTEROP construct also contained those clauses, and the properties will be removed from the interoperability requirement set.
Each appended argument is destroyed after the selected variant completes executions as if the INTEROP construct contained a DESTROY clause.
If the variant is invoked by a DISPATCH construct that contains an INTEROP clause with n variables specified, the first n modifiers specified in the APPEND_ARGS clause are ignored and replaced by the n variables specified in the INTEROP clause of the DISPATCH directive. The order of these n variables appearing in the argument list is the same order that they are specified in the INTEROP clause of the DISPATCH directive.
If there are m modifiers specified in the APPEND_ARG clause, and m > n, an argument for each of the remaining m - n modifiers in the APPEND_ARGS clause is constructed and appended to the end of the argument list in the same order in which they appear in the APPEND_ARGS clause.
Calling a procedure variant directly by variant-proc-name within an OpenMP* context that is different than the context specified in the MATCH clause is non-conforming.
The DECLARE VARIANT directive in the module procedure vecadd_base identifies the procedure vecadd_gpu_offload as a variant that is to replace references to vecadd_base when called from a DISPATCH construct and a GEN device is available for offloading. Notice that vecadd_base does not have any dummy arguments, while vecadd_gpu_offload has a single C_PTR dummy argument.
MODULE vecadd INTEGER,PARAMETER :: n = 1024 CONTAINS FUNCTION vecadd_gpu_offload (ptr) RESULT (res) USE,INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : c_ptr !$DEC ATTRIBUTES NOINLINE :: vecadd_gpu_offload TYPE (c_ptr) :: ptr REAL :: res REAL,DIMENSION(n) :: a, b INTEGER :: k !$omp TARGET PARALLEL DO REDUCTION (+: res) MAP(TO: a, b) DO k= 0, n - 1 a(k) = k b(k) = k + 1 res = a(k) + b(k) END DO !$omp END TARGET PARALLEL DO PRINT *, "GPU version of vecadd called" END FUNCTION vecadd_gpu_offload FUNCTION vecadd_base ()RESULT (res) !$DEC ATTRIBUTES NOINLINE :: vecadd_base !$OMP DECLARE VARIANT (vecadd_gpu_offload) & !$OMP& ,MATCH (DEVICE = {ARCH (gen)} )) REAL :: res REAL,DIMENSION(n) :: a, b INTEGER :: k !$omp PARALLEL DO REDUCTION (+: res) DO k = 1, n a(k) = k b(k) = k + 1 res = a(k) + b(k) END DO !$omp END PARALLEL DO PRINT *, "CPU version of vecadd called" END FUNCTION vecadd_base END MODULE vecadd PROGRAM main USE vecadd REAL :: result = 0.0 !$OMP DISPATCH result = vecadd_base () IF (result == 1048576.0) then PRINT *, "PASSED: correct results" ELSE PRINT *, "FAILED: incorrect results" ENDIF END PROGRAM