Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


Runtime Subroutine: Creates an array descriptor in memory. This routine is only available for Windows.



CALL FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ASSIGN (dp,base,size,reserved,rank,dims_info)


(Input) A Fortran pointer to an array; the array can be of any data type.


(Input) INTEGER(8). The base address of the data being described by dp.

Note that a Fortran pointer describes both the location and type of the data item.


(Input) INTEGER(4). The size of the data type; for example, 4 for INTEGER(4).


(Input) INTEGER(4). A logical bitwise OR combination of the following constants, which are defined in IFCORE.F90:

  • FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_DEFINED - Specifies whether the array pointed to has been allocated or associated. If the bit is set, the array has been allocated or associated.

  • FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_NODEALLOC - Specifies whether the array points to something that can be deallocated by a call to DEALLOCATE, or whether it points to something that cannot be deallocated. For example:

      integer, pointer :: p(:)
      integer, target :: t
      p => t   ! t cannot be deallocated
      allocate(p(10)) ! t can be deallocated

    If the bit is set, the array cannot be deallocated.

  • FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_CONTIGUOUS - Specifies whether the array pointed to is completely contiguous in memory or whether it is a slice that is not contiguous. If the bit is set, the array is contiguous.


(Input) INTEGER(4). The rank of the array pointed to.


(Input) An array of derived type FOR_DIMS_INFO; you must specify a rank for this array. The derived type FOR_DIMS_INFO is defined in IFCORE.F90 as follows:

  INTEGER(4) LOWERBOUND  !Lower bound for the dimension
  INTEGER(4) UPPERBOUND  !Upper bound for the dimension
  INTEGER(4) STRIDE      !Stride for the dimension

The FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ASSIGN routine is similar to a Fortran pointer assignment, but gives you more control over the assignment, allowing, for example, assignment to any location in memory.

You can also use this routine to create an array that can be used from both Fortran and C.


use IFCORE common/c_array/ array real(8) array(5,5) external init_array external c_print_array real(8),pointer :: p_array(:,:) type(FOR_DIMS_INFO) dims_info(2) call init_array() do i=1,5 do j=1,5 print *,i,j, array(i,j) end do end do dims_info(1)%LOWERBOUND = 11 dims_info(1)%UPPERBOUND = 15 dims_info(1)%STRIDE = 1 dims_info(2)%LOWERBOUND = -5 dims_info(2)%UPPERBOUND = -1 dims_info(2)%STRIDE = 1 call FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ASSIGN(p_array, & LOC(array), & SIZEOF(array(1,1)), & FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_DEFINED .or. & FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_NODEALLOC .or. & FOR_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_CONTIGUOUS, & 2, & dims_info ) p_array = p_array + 1 call c_print_array() end

The following shows the C program containing init_array and c_print_array:

#include <stdio.h> #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) #define C_ARRAY c_array_ #define INIT_ARRAY init_array_ #define C_PRINT_ARRAY c_print_array_ #endif double C_ARRAY[5][5]; void INIT_ARRAY(void); void C_PRINT_ARRAY(void); void INIT_ARRAY(void) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<5;i++) for(j=0;j<5;j++) C_ARRAY[i][j] = j + 10*i; } void C_PRINT_ARRAY(void) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<5;j++) printf("%f ", C_ARRAY[i][j]); printf("\n"); } }