Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FA38893B-7CCB-445E-BB0A-E98CBEE9A918
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FA38893B-7CCB-445E-BB0A-E98CBEE9A918
Graphics Subroutine: Sets the current text window. This routine is only available for Windows.
r1, c1 |
(Input) INTEGER(2). Row and column coordinates for upper-left corner of the text window. |
r2, c2 |
(Input) INTEGER(2). Row and column coordinates for lower-right corner of the text window. |
SETTEXTWINDOW specifies a window in row and column coordinates where text output to the screen using OUTTEXT, WRITE, or PRINT will be displayed. You set the text location within this window with SETTEXTPOSITION.
Text is output from the top of the window down. When the window is full, successive lines overwrite the last line.
SETTEXTWINDOW does not affect the output of the graphics text routine OUTGTEXT. Use the SETVIEWPORT function to control the display area for graphics output.
USE IFQWIN TYPE (rccoord) curpos CALL SETTEXTWINDOW(INT2(5), INT2(1), INT2(7), & INT2(40)) CALL SETTEXTPOSITION (INT2(5), INT2(5), curpos) WRITE(*,*) "Only two lines in this text window" WRITE(*,*) "so this line will be overwritten" WRITE(*,*) "by this line" END