Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FA33A18C-8D9E-47C9-ABAF-F7844740F5F8
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-FA33A18C-8D9E-47C9-ABAF-F7844740F5F8
QuickWin Function: Sets the size and position of a window. This routine is only available for Windows.
result = SETWSIZEQQ (unit, winfo)
unit |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Specifies the window unit. Unit numbers 0, 5, and 6 refer to the default startup window only if the program does not explicitly open them with the OPEN statement. To set the size of the frame window (as opposed to a child window), set unit to the symbolic constant QWIN$FRAMEWINDOW (defined in IFQWIN.F90). When called from INITIALSETTINGS, SETWSIZEQQ behaves slightly differently than when called from a user routine after initialization. See below under Results. |
winfo |
(Input) Derived type qwinfo. Physical coordinates of the window's upper-left corner, and the current or maximum height and width of the window's client area (the area within the frame). The derived type qwinfois defined in IFQWIN.F90 as follows: TYPE QWINFO
INTEGER(2) TYPE ! request type
INTEGER(2) X ! x coordinate for upper left
INTEGER(2) Y ! y coordinate for upper left
INTEGER(2) H ! window height
INTEGER(2) W ! window width
END TYPE QWINFO This function's behavior depends on the value of QWINFO%TYPE, which can be any of the following:
The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, nonzero (unless called from INITIALSETTINGS). If called from INITIALSETTINGS, the following occurs:
SETWSIZEQQ always returns -1.
Only QWIN$SET will work.
The position and dimensions of child windows are expressed in units of character height and width. The position and dimensions of the frame window are expressed in screen pixels.
The height and width specified for a frame window reflects the actual size in pixels of the frame window including any borders, menus, and status bar at the bottom.
USE IFQWIN INTEGER(4) result INTEGER(2) numfonts, fontnum TYPE (qwinfo) winfo TYPE (xycoord) pos ! Maximize frame window winfo%TYPE = QWIN$MAX result = SETWSIZEQQ(QWIN$FRAMEWINDOW, winfo) ! Maximize child window result = SETWSIZEQQ(0, winfo) numfonts = INITIALIZEFONTS( ) fontnum = SETFONT ('t''Arial''h50w34i') CALL MOVETO (INT2(10), INT2(30), pos) CALL OUTGTEXT("BIG Window") END