Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B18D78F4-CB41-47FD-AEA0-DD3F7D74CC80
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B18D78F4-CB41-47FD-AEA0-DD3F7D74CC80
C function prototype: Allocates memory for an object described by a C descriptor.
int CFI_allocate (CFI_cdesc_t *dv, const CFI_index_t lower_bounds[]), const CFI_index_t upper_bounds[], size_t elem_len);
Formal Parameters:
dv |
The address of a C descriptor specifying the rank and type of the object. The base_addr member of the C descriptor is a null pointer. If the type is not a character type, the elem_len member must specify the element length. The attribute member must have a value of CFI_attribute_allocatable or CFI_attribute_pointer. |
lower_bounds |
The address of an array with at least dv->rank elements. The first dv->rank elements of lower_bounds provide the lower Fortran bounds for each corresponding dimension of the object. |
upper_bounds |
The address of an array with at least dv->rank elements. The first dv->rank elements of upper_bounds provide the upper Fortran bounds for each corresponding dimension of the object. |
elem_len |
If the type specified in the C descriptor type is a Fortran character type, the value of elem_len is the storage size in bytes of an element of the object; otherwise, elem_len is ignored. |
Successful execution of CFI_allocate allocates memory for the object described by the C descriptor with the address dv using the same mechanism as the Fortran ALLOCATE statement, and assigns the address of that memory to dv->base_addr.
The first dv->rank elements of the lower_bounds and upper_bounds arguments provide the lower and upper Fortran bounds, respectively, for each corresponding dimension of the object. The supplied lower and upper bounds override any current dimension information in the C descriptor. If the rank is zero, the lower_bounds and upper_bounds arguments are ignored.
If the type specified in the C descriptor is a character type, the supplied element length overrides the current element-length information in the descriptor.
If an error is detected, the C descriptor is not modified.
Result Value
The result is an error indicator. A nonzero result indicates an error occurred; a zero result indicates successful execution.
If dv is the address of a C descriptor for the Fortran array A declared as follows:
and the array is not allocated, the following code allocates it to be of shape [100, 500]:
CFI_index_t lower[2], upper[2]; int ind; lower[0] = 1; lower[1] = 1; upper[0] = 100; upper[1] = 500; ind = CFI_allocate(dv, lower, upper, 0);