Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9071E687-D0BD-4DC6-8578-3ADB5F956B85
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9071E687-D0BD-4DC6-8578-3ADB5F956B85
Program Control Statements
The following table lists statements that affect program control.
Unless identified as an image control statement, the statement affects execution on a single image. With the exception of STOP, ERROR STOP, and END PROGRAM, image control statements are used with coarrays; they involve synchronization of images and they divide the program into segments.
Name |
Description |
Allocates a coarray. |
Identifies a block of code. It can contain declarations of entities that are local to the block. |
Transfers control to a subroutine. |
Relocates a coarray in memory. |
Within a SELECT CASE construct, marks a block of statements that are executed if an associated value matches the SELECT CASE expression. |
Identifies the block of statements to be executed in a SELECT CASE construct if the value of the expression does not match any of the CASE selectors, or in a SELECT TYPE construct if the dynamic type of the selector does not match the type of any of the TYPE IS or CLASS IS statements. |
Causes images of the current team to begin execution on sibling (sub) teams as specified by a team variable created by a FORM_TEAM statement previous executed by the team encountering the CHANGE_TEAM statement. |
Within a SELECT TYPE construct, marks a block of statements that are executed if the type or dynamic type of an expression matches the type of the CLASS IS expression. |
Often used as the target of GOTO or as the terminal statement in a DO loop; performs no operation. |
Begins a critical construct. Only one image can execute the block of statements in the construct at a time. |
Advances control to the end statement of a DO loop; the intervening loop statements are not executed. |
Deallocates a coarray. |
Marks the beginning of a loop construct. Statements through and including the ending statement may be executed repeatedly. |
Marks the beginning of a DO CONCURRENT construct. The order of executions of iterations of a DO CONCURRENT construct are indeterminate. |
Evaluates statements in the DO WHILE loop, through and including the ending statement, until a logical condition becomes .FALSE.. |
Marks an optional branch in an IF construct. |
Marks an optional branch in an IF construct. |
Marks an optional branch in a WHERE construct. |
Marks the end the main program. When executed, it initiates normal termination for the image that executes it. |
Marks the end of a program unit. |
Terminates a block construct. |
Terminates a critical construct. |
Marks the end of a series of statements in a DO, DO CONCURRENT, or DO WHILE construct. |
Marks the end of a series of statements following a block FORALL statement. |
Marks the end of a series of statements following a block IF statement. |
Marks the end of a SELECT CASE, SELECT RANK, or SELECT TYPE statement. |
Changes the current team to the parent team of the team of images that executes the END TEAM statement. |
Marks the end of a series of statements following a block WHERE statement. |
Initiates error termination for all images. |
Increments the count of an event variable by one. |
Tells the image executing this statement to wait until an event has been posted and to decrement the count of the event variable. |
Terminates execution of a DO loop or other construct. Execution continues with the first statement that follows the construct. |
Causes the image that executes it to execute no more statements and stop participating in program execution. |
Indicates a loop construct where the output from one iteration cannot change the input to another. |
Creates one or more subteams of the images in the current team and assigns a value describing the teams to a variable of type TEAM_TYPE, which is defined in the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV. |
Transfers control to a specified part of the program. |
Controls conditional execution of other statements. |
Acquires a LOCK_TYPE variable, preventing other images from acquiring it until it has been unlocked by the image that locked it. |
Suspends program execution and, optionally, executes operating-system commands. |
Within a SELECT RANK construct, marks a block of statements that are executed if the rank of an assumed rank array matches the RANK selector. |
Identifies the block of statements to be executed in a SELECT RANK construct if the rank of the array does not match any of the RANK selectors. |
Returns control to the program unit that called a subroutine or function. |
Transfers program control to a block of statements, determined by the value of an expression. |
Transfers the program to a block of statements, determined by the rank of an assumed rank array. |
Transfers the program to a block of statements, determined by the dynamic type of an expression. |
Initiates normal termination for the image that executes the statement. |
Synchronizes all of the images of the current team. |
Synchronizes an image with all of the specified images in the image set. |
Ends a segment and begins another; the two segments may be ordered in a user defined manner with respects to segments on other images. |
Synchronizes all images on a specified team. |
Within a SELECT TYPE construct, marks a block of statements that are executed if the type or dynamic type of an expression matches the type of the TYPE IS expression. |
Unlocks a variable of type LOCK_TYPE. |
Controls conditional execution of array assignments and elemental function calls. |
1 This is an image control statement only if it involves a coarray; otherwise, it's not a program control statement. 2 This is an image control statement only if the block declares a non-allocatable, non-SAVEd coarray. 3 This is an image control statement 4 This is an image control statement only if it involves implicit deallocation of a coarray. |