Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-6289CE8D-8049-4789-9926-51EA92CCB273
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-6289CE8D-8049-4789-9926-51EA92CCB273
QuickWin Function: Changes a menu item's text string. This routine is only available for Windows.
result = MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ (menuID,itemID,text)
menuID |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu containing the item whose text string is to be changed, starting with 1 as the leftmost item. |
itemID |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu item whose text string is to be changed, starting with 0 as the top menu item. |
text |
(Input) Character*(*). Menu item name. Must be a null-terminated C string. For example, words of text'C. |
The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..
You can add access keys in your text strings by placing an ampersand (&) before the letter you want underlined. For example, to add a Print menu item with the r underlined, use "P&rint"C as text.
USE IFQWIN LOGICAL(4) result CHARACTER(25) str ! Append item to the bottom of the first (FILE) menu str = '&Add to File Menu'C result = APPENDMENUQQ(1, $MENUENABLED, str, WINSTATUS) ! Change the name of the first item in the first menu str ='&Browse'C result = MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ (1, 1, str) END