Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


QuickWin Function: Sets a QuickWin application's exit behavior. This routine is only available for Windows.



result = SETEXITQQ (exitmode)


(Input) INTEGER(4). Determines the program exit behavior. The following exit parameters are defined in IFQWIN.F90:

  • QWIN$EXITPROMPT - Displays the following message box:

    "Program exited with exit status X. Exit Window?"

    where X is the exit status from the program.

    If Yes is entered, the application closes the window and terminates. If No is entered, the dialog box disappears and you can manipulate the windows as usual. You must then close the window manually.

  • QWIN$EXITNOPERSIST - Terminates the application without displaying a message box.

  • QWIN$EXITPERSIST - Leaves the application open without displaying a message box.


The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, a negative value.

The default for both QuickWin and Standard Graphics applications is QWIN$EXITPROMPT.


! Build as QuickWin Ap USE IFQWIN INTEGER(4) exmode, result WRITE(*,'(1X,A,/)') 'Please enter the exit mode 1, 2 & or 3 ' READ(*,*) exmode SELECT CASE (exmode) CASE (1) result = SETEXITQQ(QWIN$EXITPROMPT) CASE (2) result = SETEXITQQ(QWIN$EXITNOPERSIST) CASE (3) result = SETEXITQQ(QWIN$EXITPERSIST) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*,*) 'Invalid option - checking for bad & return' IF(SETEXITQQ( exmode ) .NE. -1) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Error not returned' ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Error code returned' ENDIF END SELECT END

See Also