Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


POSIX Subroutine: Gets the value for a configuration option of an opened file.



CALL PXFFPATHCONF (ifildes,name,ival,ierror)


(Input) INTEGER(4). The file descriptor of the opened file.


(Input) INTEGER(4). The configurable option.


(Output) INTEGER(4). The value of the configurable option.


(Output) INTEGER(4). The error status.

If successful, ierror is set to zero; otherwise, an error code.

The PXFFPATHCONF subroutine gets a value for the configuration option named for the opened file with descriptor ifildes.

The configuration option, defined in name, can be obtained by using PXFCONST or IPXFCONST with one of the following constant names:




Returns the maximum number of links to the file. If ifildes refers to a directory, then the value applies to the whole directory.


Returns the maximum length of a formatted input line; the file descriptor ifildes must refer to a terminal.


Returns the maximum length of an input line; the file descriptor ifildes must refer to a terminal.


Returns the maximum length of a filename in ifildes that the process is allowed to create.


Returns the maximum length of a relative pathname when ifildes is the current working directory.

On Linux* systems, the corresponding macros are defined in <unistd.h>. The values for name can be obtained by using PXFCONST or IPXFCONST when passing the string names of predefined macros in <unistd.h>. The following table shows the corresponding macro names for the above constants:


Corresponding Macro