Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-91FD6B60-5087-4C15-8CA7-21F51DAF3C20
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-91FD6B60-5087-4C15-8CA7-21F51DAF3C20
C function prototype: Establishes a C descriptor.
int CFI_establish(CFI_cdesc_t *dv, void *base_addr, CFI_attribute_t attribute, CFI_type_t type, size_t elem_len, CFI_rank_t rank, const CFI_index_t extents[]);
Formal Parameters:
dv |
The address of a data object large enough to hold a C descriptor of the rank specified by rank. It must not have the same value as either a C formal parameter that corresponds to a Fortran actual argument or a C actual argument that corresponds to a Fortran dummy argument. It must not be the address of a C descriptor that describes an allocated allocatable object. |
base_addr |
A null pointer or the base address of the object to be described. If it is not a null pointer, it must be the address of a contiguous storage sequence that is appropriately aligned for an object of the type specified by type. |
attribute |
One of the attribute codes in Table "Macros for attribute codes" in C Typedefs and Macros for interoperability. If it is CFI_attribute_allocatable, base_addr must be a null pointer. If it is CFI_attribute_other, base_addr must not be a null pointer. |
type |
One of the type codes in Table "Macros for type codes" in C Typedefs and Macros for interoperability. |
elem_len |
If the type is CFI_type_struct, CFI_type_other, or a Fortran character type code, elem_len must be greater than zero and equal to the storage size in bytes of an element of the object. Otherwise, type is ignored. |
rank |
A value in the range 0 ≤ rank ≤ CFI_MAX_RANK. It specifies the rank of the object. |
extents |
This is ignored if rank is equal to zero or if base_addr is a null pointer. Otherwise, it must be the address of an array with rank elements; the value of each element must be nonnegative, and extents[i] specifies the extent of dimension i of the object. |
Successful execution of CFI_establish updates the object with the address dv to be an established C descriptor for a nonallocatable nonpointer data object of known shape, an unallocated allocatable object, or a data pointer.
If base_addr is not a null pointer, it is the address for a nonallocatable entity that is a scalar or a contiguous array. If the attribute argument has the value CFI_attribute_pointer, the lower bounds of the object described by dv are set to zero.
If base_addr is a null pointer, the established C descriptor is for an unallocated allocatable, or a disassociated pointer.
If base_addr is the C address of a Fortran data object, the type and elem_len arguments must be consistent with the type and type parameters of the Fortran data object.
The remaining properties of the object are given by the other arguments.
CFI_establish is used to initialize a C descriptor declared in C with CFI_CDESC_T before passing it to any other functions as an actual argument, in order to set the rank, attribute, type and element length.
A C descriptor with attribute CFI_attribute_other and a base_addr that is a null pointer can be used as the argument result in calls to CFI_section or CFI_select_part, which will produce a C descriptor for a nonallocatable nonpointer data object.
If an error is detected, the object with the address dv is not modified.
Result Value
The result is an error indicator. A nonzero result indicates an error occurred; a zero result indicates successful execution.
The following code fragment establishes a C descriptor for an unallocated rank-one allocatable array that can be passed to Fortran for allocation there:
CFI_rank_t rank; CFI_CDESC_T(1) field; int ind; rank = 1; ind = CFI_establish((CFI_cdesc_t *)&field, NULL, CFI_attribute_allocatable, CFI_type_double, 0, rank, NULL);
If the following Fortran type definition is specified:
and a Fortran subprogram that has an assumed-shape dummy argument of type T, the following code fragment creates a descriptor a_fortran for an array of size 100 that can be used as the actual argument in an invocation of the subprogram from C:
typedef struct {double x; double _Complex y;} t; t a_c[100]; CFI_CDESC_T(1) a_fortran; int ind; CFI_index_t extent[1]; extent[0] = 100; ind = CFI_establish((CFI_cdesc_t *)&a_fortran, a_c, CFI_attribute_other, CFI_type_struct, sizeof(t), 1, extent);