Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


General Compiler Directives: FREEFORM specifies that source code is in free-form format. NOFREEFORM specifies that source code is in fixed-form format.



When the FREEFORM or NOFREEFORM directives are used, they remain in effect for the remainder of the source or include file in which the directive appears, or until the opposite directive is used. When in effect, they apply to include files, but do not affect USE modules, which are compiled separately.

source or include file in which the directive appears


Consider the following:

SUBROUTINE F (A, NX,NY,I1,I2,J1,J2) ! is in column 1 and fixed form ! X is in column 7 REAL (8) :: A (NX,NY) !DIR$ ASSUME_ALIGNED A:32 !DIR$ FREEFORM ! what follows is freeform !DIR$ ASSUME (MOD(NX,8) .EQ. 0) ! ensure that the first array access in the loop is aligned !DIR$ ASSUME (MOD(I1,8) .EQ. 1) DO J=J1,J2 DO I=I1,I2 A(I,J) = A(I,J) + A(I,J+1) + A(I,J-1) ENDDO ENDDO !DIR$ NOFREEFORM ! and now back to fixed form END SUBROUTINE F