Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-BEA06CBE-D8B5-4D83-AC9F-9D2842A8CCC6
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-BEA06CBE-D8B5-4D83-AC9F-9D2842A8CCC6
OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Specifies variant OpenMP* directives, one of which may conditionally replace the metadirective based on the OpenMP context enclosing the metadirective.
!$OMP METADIRECTIVE [clause [[,] clause]...]
!$OMP BEGIN METADIRECTIVE [clause [[,] clause]...]
clause |
Is one of the following:
directive-variant |
Is an OpenMP directive (with no sentinel). It is a candidate for replacing the metadirective in which it appears. If directive-variant does not appear, it is as if a NOTHING directive was specified. A directive-variant cannot be a metadirective. |
context-selector-spec |
Is an OpenMP context-selector. Currently, only USER context selectors whose CONDITION is a logical constant expression are allowed. The context-selector-spec cannot specify properties of a SIMD directive. |
statement(s) |
Is one or more valid Fortran statements. |
A METADIRECTIVE specifies one or more candidate OpenMP directives (directive-variant s) that may conditionally replace the METADIRECTIVE. Selection of a replacement candidate depends on the OpenMP context that encloses the METADIRECTIVE.
The order of clauses is significant. Replacement candidates are ordered according to these rules, in decreasing precedence:
A directive-variant candidate has higher precedence than another candidate if the score of the context-selector of its corresponding WHEN clause is higher.
Explicitly specified candidates have precedence over implicitly specified candidates.
A directive-variant candidate that appears in a WHEN clause specified lexically before another in a METADIRECTIVE has higher precedence.
The first replacement candidate in the ordered list of candidates whose corresponding WHEN clause specifies a compatible context-selector replaces the METADIRECTIVE. See Score and Match OpenMP Context Selectors.
Replacement of the METADIRECTIVE with the selected directive-variant must result in a conforming OpenMP program.
In the program below, _OFFLOADING is a preprocessor macro.
PROGRAM offloading_success USE omp_lib IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: errors LOGICAL :: is_host is_host = .FALSE. !$omp BEGIN METADIRECTIVE WHEN(USER={CONDITION(_OFFLOADING)}: PARALLEL DO SIMD) & WHEN(USER={CONDITION(_OFFLOADING)}: TARGET MAP (FROM: is_host) isHost = omp_is_initial_device () !$omp END METADIRECTIVE ! check if target region executed on the device IF (is_host) THEN errors = 1 PRINT *, "Failed - target region executed on the host" ELSE errors = 0 PRINT *, "Passed" END IF IF( errors .NE. 0 ) STOP 1 END PROGRAM offloading_success
If the above program is preprocessed with _OFFLOADING defined to be .TRUE., the METADIRECTIVE construct will be replaced with the following:
!$omp TARGET MAP (FROM:is_host) is_host = omp_is_initial_device () !$omp END TARGET
The code following the METADIRECTIVE determines if the METADIRECTIVE resulted in a TARGET region. If so, it tests to determine whether the TARGET region successfully offloaded to the device.