Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


Graphics Function: Returns the current logical write mode, which is used when drawing lines with the LINETO, POLYGON, and RECTANGLE functions. This routine is only available for Windows.



result = GETWRITEMODE( )


The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the current write mode. Possible return values are:

  • $GPSET - Causes lines to be drawn in the current graphics color. (default)

  • $GAND - Causes lines to be drawn in the color that is the logical AND of the current graphics color and the current background color.

  • $GOR - Causes lines to be drawn in the color that is the logical OR of the current graphics color and the current background color.

  • $GPRESET - Causes lines to be drawn in the color that is the logical NOT of the current graphics color.

  • $GXOR - Causes lines to be drawn in the color that is the logical exclusive OR (XOR) of the current graphics color and the current background color.

The default value is $GPSET. These constants are defined in IFQWIN.F90.

The write mode is set with SETWRITEMODE.


! Build as QuickWin or Standard Graphics App. USE IFQWIN INTEGER(2) mode mode = GETWRITEMODE() END