Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-703F5E94-F28F-4A89-A927-4E12DD8D0929
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-703F5E94-F28F-4A89-A927-4E12DD8D0929
QuickWin Function: Displays a message box in a QuickWin window. This routine is only available for Windows.
result = MESSAGEBOXQQ (msg,caption,mtype)
msg |
(Input) Character*(*). Null-terminated C string. Message the box displays. |
caption |
(Input) Character*(*). Null-terminated C string. Caption that appears in the title bar. |
mtype |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Symbolic constant that determines the objects (buttons and icons) and properties of the message box. You can combine several constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90) using an inclusive OR (IOR or OR). The symbolic constants and their associated objects or properties are as follows:
The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if memory is not sufficient for displaying the message box. Otherwise, the result is one of the following values, indicating the user's response to the message box:
MB$IDABORT - The Abort button was pressed.
MB$IDCANCEL - The Cancel button was pressed.
MB$IDIGNORE - The Ignore button was pressed.
MB$IDNO - The No button was pressed.
MB$IDOK - The OK button was pressed.
MB$IDRETRY - The Retry button was pressed.
MB$IDYES - The Yes button was pressed.
! Build as QuickWin app USE IFQWIN message = MESSAGEBOXQQ('Do you want to continue?'C, & 'Matrix'C, & MB$ICONQUESTION.OR.MB$YESNO.OR.MB$DEFBUTTON1) END