Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit User Guide

ID 814550
Date 8/05/2024
Document Table of Contents Booting from SD Card using HPS Enablement DC

  1. Power down board.
  2. Set MSEL DIP switch SW27[3:1] as ASx4 FAST [on on off].
  3. Insert the programmed SD card into the socket of uSD on OOBE.
  4. Connect the mini-USB cable from the vertical mini-USB connector J7 on OOBE to the host PC.
  5. Install the OOBE onto the development kit.
  6. Launch the UART terminal application on the host PC, and configure it to use the settings based on the steps above.
  7. Power up the board.
  8. After Linux boots up, log in using root as username, no password is required.