MAX® 10 FPGA Development Kit User Guide

ID 683460
Date 11/21/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.4.2. Step 2: Update the User Software Portion

To update the user software portion of flash memory on your board, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your software image and change it to the user_flash.flash file with the elf2flash utility. Make sure that the "--reset" option is set to Flash memory base address + Reset Vector Offset (0x0083_0000).
  2. Perform the steps in Step 1: Connect to the Board Update Portal to display the Board Update Portal web page.
  3. In the Software File Name field, specify your user_flash.flash file.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Reprogram the user dual configuration image into Configuration Flash Memory (CFM).
    • Image 0: BUP A build
    • Image 1: User Nios® II processor-based build
    • Make sure the user Nios® II processor-based build boots up from the reset vector offset "0x0083_0000".
  6. Power off the board.
  7. Change the SW2.2 to the OFF position (1) to make sure that it boots up from image 1.
  8. Power on the board.
The new user software image and user hardware build are now running in the FPGA.