AN 737: SEU Detection and Recovery in Arria® 10 Devices

ID 683064
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.3.1. Converting .sof File and .smh File to .jic File

To program .sof file and .smh file into EPCQ-L, you must convert them to a .jic file. The converted .jic file is consist of:

  • The bit stream for Arria® 10 FPGA configuration in Active Serial mode upon power up
  • The .smh file content at certain offset that you can define in Convert Programming File tool

To convert, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your output_files folder, duplicate the top.smh file and rename it to top.hex.
    Note: The .smh file is in Intel HEX standard format, i.e. bytes addressing little endian. You may need to convert the .smh file to match the endianness of your system
  2. Launch Convert Programming File tool from File menu.
  3. At Output programming file section, select JTAG Indirect Configuration File (.jic) from the Programming file type list.
  4. Select EPCQL1024 from Configuration device list.
  5. Select Active Serial x4 from Mode list.
  6. Give the File name as output_files/top.jic.
    Optional to check Create Memory Map File (Generate and Create config data RPD (Generate top_auto.rpd).
  7. At Input files to convert section, select Flash Loader at the column of File/Data area.
  8. Click Add Device button and select Arria 10, 10AX115S2 and click OK.
  9. Select SOF Data at File/Data area column, click Add File button and select the top.sof inside the output_files folder.
  10. Select top.sof under SOF Data, click the Properties button, enable Compression and click OK to close the SOF File Properties dialog.
  11. Click Add Hex Data at Input files to convertsection.
  12. Select Relative addressing and set the start address to 0x2000000. Leave Big endian as the default selection for Endianness. Select top.hex from your output_files folder, and click OK.
    The figure below shows the final setting for the .jic file generation. Verify and click Generate button.
  13. Click Close button to close the Convert Programming File after .jic is generated successfully.