AN 737: SEU Detection and Recovery in Arria® 10 Devices

ID 683064
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Adding Serial Flash Controller

You must use the Serial Flash Controller IP core to access to the EPCQ-L1024 that stores the SMH file in this reference design. The ASD IP core reads the SMH data from EPCQ-L1024 via Serial Flash Controller IP core. To add the Serial Flash Controller, perform the following steps:

  1. On the IP Catalog tab, expand Basic Functions, expand Configuration and Programming, and then click Altera Serial Flash Controller.
  2. Click Add. The Altera Serial Flash Controller parameter editor appears. Set the parameters as the follows:
    1. On Configuration device type list, select EPCQL1024.
    2. On Choose I/O mode, select QUAD.
    3. On Number of Chip Selects used list, select 1.
  3. Click Finish to return to Qsys. On the System Content tab, an instance of the epcq_controller_0 appears in the system contents table.
  4. Connect outclk1 port of iopll_0 to clock_sink port of epcq_controller_0.
    Note: The Fmax for Serial Flash Controller is 25MHz
  5. Connect clk_reset port of clk_0 clock source to reset port of epcq_controller_0.
  6. Connect asd_sp_master port of adv_seu_detection_0 to avl_mem port of epcq_controller_0.