Visible to Intel only — GUID: uxj1689287223800
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Agilex™ 5 Package
3. VPBGA PCB Layout Guideline
4. MBGA PCB Routing Guidelines
5. EMIF PCB Routing Guidelines (VPBGA and MBGA)
6. MIPI Interface Layout Design Guidelines (VPBGA and MBGA)
7. True Differential I/O Interface PCB Routing Guidelines (VPBGA and MBGA)
8. Power Distribution Network Design Guidelines
9. Document Revision History for the PCB Design Guidelines (HSSI, EMIF, MIPI, True Differential, PDN) User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
8.1. Agilex™ 5 Power Distribution Network Design Guidelines Overview
8.2. Power Delivery Overview
8.3. Board Power Delivery Network Recommendations
8.4. Board LC Recommended Filters for Noise Reduction in Combined Power Delivery Rails
8.5. PCB PDN Design Guideline for Unused GTS Transceiver
8.6. PCB Voltage Regulator Recommendation for PCB Power Rails
8.7. Board Power Delivery Network Simulations
8.8. Agilex™ 5 Device Family PDN Design Summary
Visible to Intel only — GUID: uxj1689287223800
3.3.2. Reference Planes
- Make sure all high-speed signals are referring to solid planes over the length of their routing (ground reference is preferred) and do not cross split planes.
- Use a layer topology of ground-signal-ground for high-speed signal routing to provide good isolation and reference.