Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

A.2.2.1. Feature Availability under SDM/HPS Ownership of Quad SPI Controller

The SDM or HPS cannot execute any feature or application that requires access to the QSPI device unless it has ownership of the QSPI controller.

This includes operations such as retrieving items from the QSPI, like the Linux file system, an encryption key, phase 2, partial reconfiguration FPGA image, and others. If the SDM has ownership of the QSPI controller, the HPS cannot access the QSPI device for reading or writing, and vice versa.

The following table describes the QSPI controller ownership requirement for different device functionalities.

Table 441.  QSPI Controller Ownership Requirement


(QSPI Ownership: HPS/SDM must own)

HPS loading from QSPI flash HPS loading Phase2 bitstream HPS loading Partial Reconfiguration bitstream RSU from HPS Attestation On Boarding BKPS
Agilex™ 5 HPS

HPS: If Phase2 bitstream is in QSPI flash.

SDM: If Phase2 bitstream is encrypted with AES key in QSPI flash. 74

HPS or SDM may own the QSPI controller under other scenarios following the above restrictions.

HPS: If PR bitstream is in QSPI flash.

SDM: If PR bitstream is encrypted with AES key in QSPI flash.74

HPS or SDM may own the QSPI controller under other scenarios following the above restrictions.

74 When the Phase2 or PR bitstreams are encrypted, the SDM requires the AES key to decrypt these. If the AES key is in the QSPI flash, the SDM must own the QSPI controller so that it can access the key.