Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Address Assignment Command Data Structure

In the master mode of operation, the address assignment command is used to initiate ENTDAA and SETDASA transfers.

Note: This command is not used for the address assignment commands SETAASA Broadcast CCC transfer and SETNEWDA directed CCC transfer. The application has to use regular transfer command for issuing SETAASA or SETNEWDA command.
Table 257.  Address Assignment Command Data Structure
31 RSVD 1 Reserved
30 TOC 1

Termination On Completion

This field controls whether a STOP need to be issued after the completion of the transfer or not.

  • 1 - STOP issued after this transfer.
  • 0 - The next transfer starts with RESTART condition.
29:27 RSVD 3 Reserved
26 ROC 1

Response On Completion

This field indicates whether the response status is required or not, after the execution of this command for the successful transfer.

  • 1 - Response status is required.
  • 0 - Response status is not required.
Note: The exception to this control is that the response status gets generated when the transfer has encountered an error condition.
25:21 DEV_COUNT 5

Device Count

This field is used to represent the number of devices to be assigned with the dynamic address.

20:16 DEV_INDX 5

Device Index

This field is used to indicate the start pointer of the device table from where the dynamic address is to be picked and assigned to the I3C devices.

15 RSVD 1 Reserved
14:7 CMD 8

Address Assignment CCC

This field is used to define the address assignment command type used in the transfer. This field is used for representing the ENTDAA or SETDASA common command codes.

6:3 TID 4

Transaction ID

This field is used as the identification tag for the commands. The I3C controller returns this ID along with the response upon completion or upon error.

  • 4'b0000 - 4'b0111 - User-Defined TID
  • 4'b1000 - 4'b1111 - Reserved for I3C controller.
2:0 CMD_ATTR 3

Command Attribute

Defines the command type and its bit-field format.

  • 0: Transfer command
  • 1: Transfer argument
  • 2: Short data argument
  • 3: Address assignment command
  • 4-7: Reserved