Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents SETDASA (Format 2: Point-to-Point)

The SETDASA CCC may also be specially used for simple point-to-point communication in I3C minimal bus use cases. An I3C minimal bus is an I3C bus with one I3C master device and one I3C slave device.

In this special usage of the SETDASA CCC, the master device uses the fixed value 7’h01 as the static address, and uses the fixed (and reserved) value of 7’h01 as the dynamic address.

  1. The I3C controller starts executing the SETDASA CCC transfer as soon as the address assignment command is issued as shown in the following figure:
  2. The dynamic address assignment continues until one of the following conditions occurs:
    1. NACK response is received for the header 0x7E/W (no I3C devices present).
    2. NACK response is received for the static address (not a valid static address or the device does not exist).
    3. Device Count (DEV_COUNT) reaches zero (end of address assignment request).
  3. The controller writes the transfer complete status into the command response queue. The data length field of response data structure indicates remaining device count in case the transfer is terminated abruptly due to NACK response from the slave.