Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents CoreSight* Debug and Trace Resets

The following table lists all the CoreSight* debug and trace resets.

Table 432.   CoreSight* Debug and Trace Resets
Clock Name Destination Description

CoreSight SWJ-DP porst_n input

POR is the main source to reset the JTAG clock domain.


CoreSight SWJ-DP ntrst input

ntrst is driven by the ntrst pin ANDed with POR, but the ntrst pin is not supported so tap_rst_n is driven by POR only.

Alternatively, force the TAP controller into the Test-Logic-Reset (TLR) state.


All CoreSight debug and trace blocks, including the DebugBlock but not the DSU

The debug reset connects to all debug logic in the

cs_at_clk, cs_pdbg_clk, and cs_trace_clk domains.

Note: This does not connect to the DSU nPRESET and nATRESET inputs.
l2_rst_n DSU

The functional l2_rst_n reset connects to the DSU nPRESET and nATRESET inputs.

l3_rst_n Generic Timer TSGEN Generic timer which is customizable by customer.