Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Error Probes

Error probes detect packets in error and forward them to the associated observer via the observation network. The error loggers, located in the observer, record the error packets. You can program an error logger to assert an output signal when an error packet is received. You can use the signal as a system interrupt.

NoC units can generate errors in particular circumstances:

  • Generic initiator NIUs, when decoding addresses or applying security criteria.
  • Security firewalls, when detecting illegal packets.
  • Generic or specific target NIUs that are incapable of processing a particular initiator transaction.
  • Target system itself, which can return error responses to transactions

In the default's unified error type mode, a single Boolean status bit ERR marks packets in error.

In the differentiated error codes, the packets also carry an error code qualifier that identifies the error type.

Table 422.  Packet Error Types in Differentiated Error Mode
Code Value Source Type
SLV 0 Target Target error detected by receiver
DEC 1 Initiator NIU Address decode error
UNS 2 Target NIU Unsupported request
DISC 3 Power disconnect Disconnected target or domain
SEC 4 Initiator NIU or firewall Security violation
HIDE 5 Firewall Hidden security violation, reported as OK to initiator
TMO 6 Target NIU Time-out
RSV 7 None Reserved