Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

5.5.5. Combo DLL PHY Signal Description

The following table shows the control signals used by the combo PHY and how they are configured from other components.
Table 231.  Combo PHY Signals
Combo PHY Signal Name Source Component Description


System manager

Selects whether the NAND or SD/eMMC DFI interface is active on the combo PHY pins.

0: NAND controller is active DFI interface

1: SD/eMMC is active DFI interface


NAND Flash controller

Mode of operation:

00 - Asynchronous mode

01 - ONFI 2.x synchronous mode NVDDR

10 - Toggle Mode

11 - other modes SD/eMMC

Mode switching should be done while dll_rst_n is low.


NAND Flash controller

Information to the PHY to keep RE# extended for a few controller clock cycles to guarantee data capture. This is applicable only to the SDR/Toggle Mode


NAND Flash controller

Informs the PHY that the WE# can follow the WE# from the controller and that the controller takes care of the timing associated with the data and WE#.


SD/eMMC host controller

Information to the PHY to keep RE# extended for a few controller clock cycles to guarantee data capture.


SD/eMMC host controller

Informs the PHY that the WE# can follow the WE# from the controller and that the controller takes care of the timing associated with the data and WE#.


Clock manager

Main clock used by the combo PHY


Clock manager

Main clock used by NAND memory controller and SD/eMMC controller.



Combo PHY

PHY initialization complete signals. These signals indicate that the PHY is initialized and ready to accept Flash memory device commands from the controller. The hpnfc signal is consumed by the NAND controller and the sd signal is consumed by the SD/eMMC controller


NAND Flash controller

Resets the FIFO pointers in the read path. After deassertion, the primary DLL begins searching for lock.


SD/eMMC host controller

Resets the FIFO pointers in the read path. After deassertion, the primary DLL begins searching for lock.

Note: Throughout the document, there are some signals whose name starts with the dfi_ prefix (for example, dfi_rddata_en_p0, dfi_data_p0, dfi_wrdata_p0, and so on). These are PHY signals that are derived from signals in the DFI interface that connect this module with the Flash controllers. In the DFI interface, we can find signals that start with hpnfc_dfi or sd_dfi prefixes. These connect the PHY with the NAND controller and the SD/eMMC controller respectively. Inside of the PHY, some of the hpnfc_dfi and sd_dfi signals are muxed based on the operation mode (NAND or SD/eMMC) to become into the dfi_* signals which are the ones that are used through the PHY data read, data write, and control paths.

The following table shows the signals at the external interface with the NAND Flash device that are generated or consumed by the PHY module.

Table 232.  External Interface Signals with NAND Flash Device
Signal Name Description Direction (PHY Perspective) ASYNC ONFI1 (SDR) ONFI2SYNC (NV-DDR) TOGGLE
NAND_CE_N(CE#) Chip enable Out

Active low signal

Active low signal

Active low signal

NAND_CLE(CLE) Command latch enable Out

Active high signal

1 during command cycle phase, else 0.

Active high signal

1 during command cycle and data transfer phase, else 0.

Active high signal

1 during command cycle phase, else 0.

NAND_ALE(ALE) Address latch enable Out

Active high signal.

1 during address cycle phase, else 0.

Active high signal.

1 during address cycle and data transfer phase, else 0.

Active high signal.

1 during address cycle phase, else 0.



Read enable


Falling edge of RE# activates read from the Flash device. Default value is 1.

W/R# (Write/Read# Direction). For writes, value is 1 and for reads, value is 0.

Rising edge of RE# activates read from the Flash device. Default value is 1.

NAND_WE_N (WE#) Write enable Out

Data latched at rising edge of WE# by Flash device. The default value is 1.

clk_phy (clk_phy is sent to Flash device).

Data latched at rising edge of WE# by Flash device. The default value is 1.

NAND_WP_N (WP#) Write protect Out Active low signal Active low signal Active low signal
NAND_DQS (DQS) Data strobe Bidirectional

Not Used

Default value is 1.

DQS = 1 during command and address phase. During data phase, DQS acts as normal DDR data strobe.

DQS = 1 during command and address phase. During data phase, DQS acts as normal DDR data strobe.

NAND_ADQ[15:0] (DQ[15:0])

Data inputs/


Bidirectional Data bus Data bus Data bus
NAND_RB_N (R/B#) Ready /Busy#. One single device supported. In

0 => Device is busy.

1 => Device is not busy.

0 => Device is busy.

1 => Device is not busy.

0 => Device is busy.

1 => Device is not busy.

The following table shows the signals at the external interface with the SD/eMMC Flash device that are generated or consumed by the PHY module.

Table 233.  External Interface Signals with Flash SD/eMMC Device
Signal Name Description Direction (PHY perspective)
SDMMC_CLK (CLK) SD/eMMC PHY to card clock signal Out
SDMMC_CMD (CMD) Command/Response signal Bidirectional
SDMMC_DATA[7:0] (DATA[7:0]) Data signal - data Bidirectional
SDMMC_DATA_STROBE Data strobe signal In
SDMMC_PWR_ENA(BUS_POWER) Device bus power Out
SDMMC_WRITE_PROTECT (WRITE_PROTECT) Write protect input signal In
SDMMC_PU_PD_DATA2 (PU_PD_DATA2) Pull-up/Pull-down signal for bit 2 of the DATA Out