Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Cross Trigger Interface

The HPS Coresight CTI connects one or more event sources and one or more event destinations to the cross trigger network.

The CTI has the following functional interfaces:

  • Up to 32 trigger inputs, enabling events to be signaled to the CTI.
  • Up to 32 trigger outputs, enabling the CTI to signal events to other components.
  • A channel interface for connecting CTIs together using one or more CTMs.
  • An APB interface for accessing the registers of the CTI.
  • An Authentication interface for controlling access to certain debug events.
  • Eight asicctrl signals that can be used to control external multiplexers.

The CTI includes configuration tie-off inputs that enable several trigger input and output types to be connected.

Note: The asicctrl signals of the CTI can be used to control multiplexing on a CTI event input if necessary.

The following figure shows the external connections on the Cross Trigger Interface block.

Figure 327. CTI Logical Connections