Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Embedded Cross Trigger

The embedded cross trigger (ECT) allows debug events to be sent between PEs. The ECT provides a cross trigger interface (CTI) for each PE in the cluster. The CTIs are interconnected through a cross trigger matrix (CTM) to send debug and trace events between PEs.
The following diagram shows a conceptual view of the trigger event inputs and outputs between the PEs and ECT.
Figure 15. Embedded Cross Trigger Concept

The CTIs selectively send trigger events to the CTM on their respective channel outputs. The CTIs receive trigger events from the CTM on their respective channel inputs. Trigger events are transferred between CTIs over the channel interface. The CTM connects the channel interface to the channel inputs and channel outputs of the CTIs. The Debug APB provides access to the CTI registers. This allows an external debugger to configure the trigger event routing, and send events to PEs, for example, to put PE into debug state.

Registers in the CTI:
  • Control the mapping of the input trigger events to channel outputs.
  • Control the mapping of the channel inputs to output trigger events.
  • Capture the state of input and output trigger events.
  • Set, clear or pulse output trigger events.
For more information on the supported debug and trace trigger events, refer to the Arm DynamIQ Shared Unit Technical Reference Manual, Revision: r4p0 .