Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents In-Band Interrupt (IBI) Detection and Handling

This section describes the in-band interrupt (IBI) detection and handling mechanism of the host controller. The I3C controller slave devices can initiate communication to the current master through in-band interrupt. The following types of IBIs are possible on an I3C bus.

  • Slave interrupt request (SIR) from a slave
  • Master ownership request (MR) from a master-capable slave (secondary master)

Enable the controller to allow the host controller to detect (SDA low) and receive the IBI ID. This enables the host controller to start providing the SCL clocks to receive the IBI ID from the requesting slave device. The host controller detects the IBI in the following scenarios:

  • Upon detecting low on the SDA input port after a power-on-reset (POR).
  • Upon detecting an arbitration loss during an address phase of any master-initiated transfer following a START condition (not RESTART).
  • Upon detecting the SDA input port going low following a STOP condition (slave-initiated IBI).