Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

A.2.9.3. Pin Features and Connections for SDM QSPI

Important notes for QSPI configuration:

  • Do not connect HPS_COLD_nRESET to SDM QSPI reset. HPS_COLD_nRESET is a bi-directional pin that is input to the SDM to initiate a cold reset procedure to the HPS and its peripherals. The HPS_COLD_nRESET output can be used to reset any other devices on the board that should be reset when the HPS is reset. However, the SDM handles reset for the QSPI through software. Connecting HPS_COLD_nRESET to the SDM QSPI reset can result in undefined system behavior.
  • Select the QSPI device that fits your design. Using a larger device allows for increases in the design bitstream size.
  • Connect the serial Flash or QSPI Flash reset pin to the AS_nRST pin.
  • The SDM must fully control the QSPI reset. Do not connect the QSPI reset pin to any external host.
  • When configuring FPGA from Flash, select a compatible QSPI device. For supported Flash devices, refer to the Device Configuration Support Center .