Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Reliability, Availability and Serviceability Error Types

When a processing element accesses memory or other state, errors might be detected in the memory or state, and corrected, deferred, or signaled to the processing element as a detected error. The component that detects an error is called a node. The following table lists the types of RAS errors that are supported in the Cortex* -A55 core.
Table 52.  RAS Error Types Supported in the Cortex* -A55 Core
RAS Error Type Definition
Corrected error (CE) An error was detected and corrected. It no longer infects the state of the node and has not been silently propagated. The node continues to operate.
Deferred error (DE) An error was detected and was not corrected and was deferred. The error is not silently propagated and may be latent in the system. The node continues to operate.
Uncorrected error (UC) An error was detected and was not corrected or deferred. The error is latent in the system.
Restartable (UEO) The error has not been silently propagated. The node halts operation because of consuming an error. The node does not rely on the corrupted data so can continue to operate without repairing the error.