Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Single-Bit Error Interrupts

The Single-Bit Error Interrupt Enable (ERRINTEN) register must be configured for single-bit error interrupt generation.

For true dual port memory, a separate interrupt is generated for errors on each memory port.

The ECC controller can generate a single-bit error interrupt for:

  1. All single-bit errors
  2. LUT overflow
  3. Single-bit error counter match

The address of the most recent single-bit error is logged in the Single-Bit Error Address (SERRADDRx) register.

Single-bit errors that occur during a read-modify-write cycle for a sub-word access are flagged in the MODSTAT register in addition to triggering an interrupt.

The interrupt status (INSTAT) register indicates if a single-bit error is pending in the ECC controller. All single-bit interrupts are cleared by clearing the single-bit error pending bit of the INTSTAT register. The single-bit interrupt generation can be disabled by setting the error interrupt reset bit of the Error Interrupt Reset (ERRINTENR) register.

Note: Because the DMA has eight individual decoders for each byte lane of its byte-accessible memory, the DECODERSTAT register provides extra information to the INSTAT register that indicates which of the individual decoders is flagging a single-bit error. All other ECC RAMs supported only have one decoder.