Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Generating an Interrupt without Affecting the PPS

The bits[6:5], TRGTMODSEL, of the MAC_PPS_Control register enable you to program the target time registers (register 736 and 737) to do any one of the following:

  • Generate only interrupts.
  • Generate interrupts and the PPS start and stop time.
  • Generate only PPS start and stop time.

To program the target time registers to generate only an interrupt event:

  1. Program 00 (for interrupt) in bits[6:5], TRGTMODSEL, of MAC_PPS_Control register. This instructs the MAC to use the target time registers for the target time interrupt.
  2. Program a target time value in the target time registers. This instructs the MAC to generate an interrupt when the target time elapses.
If bits[6:5], TRGTMODSEL, are changed (for example, to control the PPS), then the interrupt generation is over-written with the new mode and new programmed target time register value.