Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Automatic Flow Control

The UART includes 16750-compatible request-to-send (RTS) and clear-to-send (CTS) serial data automatic flow control mode. You enable automatic flow control with the modem control register (MCR.AFCE).

RTC Flow Control Trigger

RTC is an RX FIFO Almost-Full Trigger, where "almost full" refer to two available slots in the FIFO.

The UART controller uses two separate trigger levels for a DMA request and handshake signal (rts_n) in order to maximize throughput on the interface.

Automatic RTS mode

Automatic RTS mode becomes active when the following conditions occur:

  • RTS (MCR.RTS bit and MCR.AFCE bit are both set)
  • FIFO buffers are enabled (FCR.FIFOE bit is set)

With automatic RTS enabled, the rts_n output pin is forced inactive (high) when the FIFO is almost full; where "almost full" refers to two available slots in the FIFO. When rts_n is connected to the cts_n input pin of another UART device, the other UART stops sending serial data until the receive FIFO buffer has available space (until it is completely empty).

The selectable receive FIFO buffer threshold values are 1, ¼, ½, and 2 less than full. Because one additional character may be transmitted to the UART after rts_n is inactive (due to data already having entered the transmitter block in the other UART), setting the threshold to 2 less than full allows maximum use of the FIFO buffer with a margin of one character.

Once the receive FIFO buffer is completely emptied by reading the receiver buffer register (RBR_THR_DLL), rts_n again becomes active (low), signaling the other UART to continue sending data.

Even when you set the correct MCR bits, if the FIFO buffers are disabled through FCR.FIFOE, automatic flow control is also disabled. When auto RTS is not implemented or disabled, rts_n is controlled solely by MCR.RTS. In the Automatic RTS Timing diagram, the character T is received because rts_n is not detected prior to the next character entering the sending UART transmitter.

Figure 248. Automatic RTS Timing

Automatic CTS mode

Automatic CTS mode becomes active when the following conditions occur:

  • AFCE (MCR.AFCE bit is set)
  • FIFO buffers are enabled (through FIFO buffer control register II R_FCR.FIFOE) bit

When automatic CTS is enabled (active), the UART transmitter is disabled whenever the cts_n input becomes inactive (high). This prevents overflowing the FIFO buffer of the receiving UART.

If the cts_n input is not deactivated before the middle of the last stop bit, another character is transmitted before the transmitter is disabled. While the transmitter is disabled, you can continue to write and even overflow to the transmit FIFO buffer.

Automatic CTS mode requires the following sequence:

  1. The UART status register are read to verify that the transmit FIFO buffer is full (UART status register USR.TFNF set to zero).
  2. The current FIFO buffer level is read via the transmit FIFO level (TFL) register.
  3. Programmable THRE interrupt mode must be enabled to access the FIFO buffer full status from the LSR.

When using the FIFO buffer full status, software can poll this before each write to the transmit FIFO buffer. When the cts_n input becomes active (low) again, transmission resumes. If the FIFO buffers are disabled with the FCR.FIFOE bit, automatic flow control is also disabled regardless of any other settings. When auto CTS is not implemented or disabled, the transmitter is unaffected by cts_n.

Figure 249. Automatic CTS Timing