Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

7.6.11. CoreSight Clocks

The ARM CoreSight Debug logic consists of both the CoreSight components in the MPU sub-system and the CoreSight DAP and Trace components themselves. The diagram below shows the details.

Figure 269. CoreSight Clocks Block Diagram

The following tables show clock information for the CoreSight clocks based on clock source.

Table 320.  HPS Clock Source for CoreSight Clocks
Clock Name HPS Clock Source Clock Destination Description
tpiu_trace_clk_hio,tpiu_trace_clk_div2 TPIU FPGA LE -> Pin Trace clock generated by TPIU, ½ of tpiu_trace_clkin. Also duplicated output on FPGA interface left.
Table 321.  Input Pin or FPGA Fabric Source for CoreSight Clocks
Clock Source Destination Description
hps_jtag_tck Input pin HPS JTAG TAP controller External HPS JTAG Clock input
tpiu_trace_clkin Input pin or from FPGA fabric CoreSight TPIU Alternate clock source from FPGA fabric to clock all TPIU Trace Port transactions out of the HPS

The following table shows the registers used to program the clocks.

Table 322.  Programming Clock Registers
Clock Name *.src *.cnt (n+1 divider) *.div (2^n divider) Clock Gate (enable)


= 0 (Main_PLL_C3)

= 1 (Peri_PLL_C1)

--- mainpllgrp.nocdiv.csclk mainpllgrp.en.csclken
cs_pdbg_clk mainpllgrp.nocdiv.cspdbgclk
cs_trace_clk mainpllgrp.nocdiv.cstraceclk