Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents AXI Manager Interface

The USB 3.1 controller is configured to have AXI manager interface. Because of this, the AXI interface breaks GM requests into multiple AXI burst transfers based on the settings in the CSR register. There are two primary modes:

  • Undefined length INCR burst type enabled: When this mode is enabled, the AXI manager attempts to do the largest enabled INCR burst length that is not greater than the CSR settings: INCR32/64/128/256. If the remaining bytes to transfer results in 16 bytes or less, the burst length is based on the remaining number of bytes.
  • Undefined length INCR burst type disabled: When this mode is disabled, the AXI manager attempts to do the largest enabled INCR burst length allowed by the CSR settings: INCR4/8/16/32/64/128/256 (only bursts of power of 2 are initiated).
Note: The current AXI Manager/Subordinate width is 64 bits to support the full H2F space, but design may have configured for 32-bit addressing.

The figure shows the AXI manager interface diagram.

Figure 171. AXI Manager Interface