Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

14.6.2. Memory Data Initialization

When an ECC controller is enabled, the memory data must be written first before any data read occurs. If the memory is not written, the ECC syndrome bits are random, potentially causing false single- or double-bit errors when the memory data is read.

ECC protects every byte of data in the RAM. This protection can lead to spurious ECC errors under the following conditions:

  • When the MPU pre-fetches any uninitialized locations.
  • When the MPU (or any master) reads from an uninitialized byte.

To prevent spurious ECC errors, software must use the memory initialization block in the ECC controller to initialize the entire memory data and ECC bits. The initialization block clears the memory data. Enabling initialization in the ECC Control (CTRL) register is independent of enabling the ECC.

Note: Software controls initialization through the ECC Control (CTRL) register. This process cannot be interrupted or stopped after it starts, therefore software must wait for the initialization complete (INITCOMPLETEx ) bit to be set in the Initialization Status (INITSTAT) register. Memory accesses are allowed after the initialization process is complete.

The initialization block is accessed through the register target interface. The Cortex* -A76 and -A55 MPCore™ and secure device manager (SDM) can directly access the register slave interface and initialize the memory.

When a tamper event occurs, the SDM uses the initialization block to scramble all of the ECC memories. The SDM can initiate this memory scrambling as part of a secure boot, secure configuration or authentication and at any time during functional or non-functional mode.