Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

10.2. Total Address Spaces

The table below shows the total address spaces and the masters that can access those address spaces.
Table 339.  HPS Address Spaces
Name Size Type (Physical/Virtual) Masters
MPU space (same as the HPS space) 1 TB P/V MPU and FPGA-to-HPS (F2H)
L3 NOC space 4 GB P All L3 masters except MPU
1 TB V All L3 masters except MPU when SMMU is enabled
FPGA Slave space (via H2F bridge) 256 GB P All L3 masters accessing HPS-to-FPGA (H2F) AXI bridge
LWFPGA Slave (via LWH2F bridge) 0.5 GB P All L3 masters accessing lightweight HPS-to-FPGA (LWH2F) AXI bridge
F2H space 1 TB P/V FPGA master to HPS
F2SDRAM space 1 TB P/V Direct FPGA master to SDRAM