Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

12.1.3. Accessing HPS Mailbox Services

The HPS Mailbox services are not intended to be accessed directly by the user. Instead, the HPS software provides convenient user-friendly interfaces to access the services.

The following table shows examples of how mailbox services are made accessible through various HPS software interfaces.

Table 364.  Example Mailbox Interfaces
Service Interface Example
Configuring the FPGA fabric U-Boot fpga load command and Linux overlay mechanism
Performing FPGA partial reconfiguration Linux overlay mechanism
Managing remote system update U-Boot and LibRSU APIs and commands
Performing cryptographic services fcs_client Linux application
Issuing HPS cold and warm resets U-Boot reset and Linux reboot commands
Querying temperature and voltage data Linux sysfs entries
Obtaining exclusive access to the SDM QSPI flash Handled automatically by U-Boot and ATF if QSPI is enabled
Note: Because the mailbox services are not intended to be accessed directly by the user, the complete details of the mailbox operation and low-level command specifications are not publicly documented. Refer to the documentation of the software components for instructions on how to access the required functionality.