Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Response Data Structure

The response Structure I3C APB Slave is used to indicate the completion of the transmit command (Private Master Read operation) or the completion of Master Write operation (Private Master Write operation).

Bits Name Memory Access Description
  • · 0: No Error
  • · 1: CRC error (master write in DDR mode)
  • · 2: Parity error (master write in both DDR and SDR mode)
  • · 3: Frame error (HDR mode master write)
  • · 6: Underflow/overflow error
  • · 10: Master early termination

Transaction Type

This field is used to identify the type of transaction:

  • · 0: Transmit response
  • · 1: Receive response
26:24 TID R

Transmit Transaction ID

This field is used as the identification tag for the transmit command.


HDR Command Code

  • · 8'h00 - SDR transfer
  • · Others - HDR command code or in the case of secondary master, whenever DEFSLV CCC is received, the DEFSLV CCC command code is reflected in this field. The application comes to know that this field reflects the CCC command code if TID field is set to 3'b111 along with RX_RESP field set to 1'b1.
15:0 DATA_LENGTH R Data Length in bytes of Master Write Transfer or the Remaining Length of Master Read Transfer (Master termination or Slave underrun). In case of DEFSLVS which is indicated by TID and RX_RESP field all set to one, this field indicates the device count to the application.
Note: The Data Length field in Response of a private read/write transfer that has experienced any error (has the appropriate Error Status flag set in Response) does not accurately reflect the number of bytes sent or received before the occurrence of the error. Since the Error Handling flow recommends that the appropriate queues be Flushed the Data length Reported has no particular significance.