Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Private Read/Write Transfers

The programming flow for I3C private transfers in master mode of I3C controller consists of different phases as shown in the following figure:

Figure 197. Private Transfers in Master Mode

The four main phases are explained in this section.

  1. Issue private transfers

    The issue private transfers phase generates the command with the private write/read transfer to the respective slave.


    The following settings are done for the command and then written to the controller through COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register.

    The application has to write the following combination of the commands based on their required private transfer, with or without data:

    • Transfer command with short data argument packet, if the data length is less than 3 bytes.
    • Transfer command with transfer argument, if the data length is more than 3 bytes.
    • Read transfer command with transfer argument

    The following are the required transfer command settings in the COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register:

    1. Set CP bit to 0.
    2. Ignore CMD field, as it is invalid for the private transfers.
    3. Point the Device Address Table for the respective slave address with the DEV_INDX field.
      • If the targeted device is I2C, then application has to set the DEV_ADDR_TABLEx_LOCx[31] to 1.
      • If the targeted device is I3C, then application has to set the DEV_ADDR_TABLEx_LOCx[31] to 0.
    4. Set RnW bit to either 1 (read) or 0 (write) based on private transfer.
  2. Push data to transmit FIFO

    The push data to transmit FIFO phase continuously fills the data to the transmit FIFO based on the command issued in COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register.


    The application pushes the data (in Word) to the Tx-FIFO based on the command issued to the COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register.

    The application can push the data in either of the following ways:

    • PIO mode: The CPU can monitor the threshold status signal (INTR_STATUS[TX_THLD_STS]) and then push the data to the Tx-FIFO through TX_DATA_PORT.
    • DMA mode: The DMA transfers the data as soon as I3C controller requests the DMA through the DMA signals (dma_tx_req, dma_tx_single).
  3. Retrieve data from Rx-FIFO

    The retrieve data from Rx-FIFO phase continuously retrieves the data from the receive FIFO based on the command issued in COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register.


    The application retrieves the data (in Word) from the Rx-FIFO based on the command issued to the COMMAND_QUEUE_PORT register.

    The application can fill the data in either one of the following ways:

    • PIO mode: The CPU can monitor the threshold status signal (INTR_STATUS[RX_THLD_STS]) and then pop the data from the Rx-FIFO through RX_DATA_PORT.
    • DMA mode: The DMA retrieves the data as soon as I3C controller requests the DMA through DMA signals (dma_rx_req, dma_rx_single).
  4. Check response status

    The check response status phase detects the generation of Response status and reads it to know the status of the issued transfer.


    The INTR_STATUS[RESP_READY_STS] interrupt indicates the response available status and the application can read the available response through RESPONSE_QUEUE_PORT register.

Note: It is recommended to not mix the I3C transfers and I2C transfers with RESTART in the middle. The I2C transfers are always required to start with START condition and end with STOP condition on the I3C bus.