Power Management User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813161
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.2.5. Temperature Sensor Error Codes

Table 11.  Temperature Sensor Error Codes and Solutions
Error Code Invalid Condition Solution
0x80000000 Selected temperature sensor channel is currently inactive. Ensure that the tile where the TSD is located is actively in use.
0x80000001 Selected temperature sensor channel returned a value that is not the latest reading. Retrieve the temperature reading again.
0x80000002 Selected temperature sensor channel is invalid for the device. Ignore the returned data because the temperature sensor channel location is invalid.
0x80000003 System is corrupted or failed to respond. Contact Altera FPGA support.
0x80000005 Communication mechanism is busy. Retrieve the temperature reading again.
0x800000FF System is corrupted or failed to respond. Contact Altera FPGA support.