Intel® Cyclone® 10 LP Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683777
Date 2/15/2023
Document Table of Contents

5.6.2. Programmable Bus Hold

Each I/O pin provides an optional bus-hold feature that is active only after configuration. When the device enters user mode, the bus-hold circuit captures the value that is present on the pin by the end of the configuration.

The bus-hold circuitry holds the signal on an I/O pin at its last-driven state until the next input signal is present. Because of this, you do not require an external pull-up or pull-down resistor to hold a signal level when the bus is tri-stated.

For each I/O pin, you can individually specify that the bus-hold circuitry pulls non-driven pins away from the input threshold voltage—where noise can cause unintended high-frequency switching. To prevent over-driving signals, the bus-hold circuitry drives the voltage level of the I/O pin lower than the VCCIO level.

If you enable the bus-hold feature, you cannot use the programmable pull-up option. To configure the I/O pin for differential signals, disable the bus-hold feature.

The bus-hold circuitry is not available on dedicated clock pins.

For the specific sustaining current for each VCCIO voltage level driven through the resistor and for the overdrive current used to identify the next driven input level, refer to the device datasheet.