Intel® Cyclone® 10 LP Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683777
Date 2/15/2023
Document Table of Contents Procedure

  1. To configure Intel® Cyclone® 10 LP device, connect the device to a download cable.
  2. Save a copy of the Example JAM File as crc.jam with any text editor, and place the file into your working directory.
  3. Access the command prompt of your operating system, and change the current directory to your working directory.
  4. Type the following command at the command prompt of your operating system:

    quartus_jli -a change_edreg -c <cable number> crc.jam

    You can identify the cable number using the jtagconfig command.

After the CHANGE_EDREG is executed successfully, the 32-bit storage register of the error detection block is modified and a CRC error is detected.