Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

A.2.4. HPS Use of SDM QSPI Controller System Integration

The following figure shows the QSPI Flash controller block diagram.

Figure 332. Quad SPI Flash Controller Block Diagram and System Integration

The QSPI controller consists of the following blocks and interfaces:

  • Data target controller: Interface and controller that provides the following functionality:
    • Performs data transfers to and from the interconnect
    • Validates incoming accesses
    • Performs byte or half-word reordering
    • Performs write protection
    • Forwards transfer requests to direct and indirect controller
  • Indirect access controller: Provides higher-performance access to the Flash memory through local buffering and software transfer requests
  • Direct access controller: Provides memory-mapped targets direct access to the Flash memory
  • Software triggered instruction generator (STIG): Generates Flash commands through the Flash command register (flashcmd) and provides low-level access to Flash memory
  • Flash command generator: Generates Flash command and address instructions based on instructions from the direct and indirect access controllers or the STIG
  • Register target interface: Provides access to the control and status registers (CSRs)
  • SPI PHY: Transfers data and commands serially to the external SPI Flash devices