Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

11.5.1. FPGA-to-HPS Bridge

The FPGA-to-HPS (F2H) bridge provides a cache-coherent memory access path from an FPGA manager to HPS resources, such as DDR and OCRAM. This bridge consists of a single physical ACE5-Lite 256-bit non-configurable interface.

The figure below shows the F2H block diagram.

Figure 290. F2H Block Diagram

The following table shows the F2H bridge signals.

Table 345.  F2H Bridge Signals
Name Direction Description
fpga2hps_clock Input

Clock from a single source in the FPGA.

fpga2hps_reset Input

Async active high reset to the bridge.

Note: h2f_reset signal must be connected to fpga2hps_reset signal for proper bridge operation.

The following table lists the properties of the F2H bridge, including the interface exposed to the FPGA fabric.

Table 346.  F2H Bridge Properties
Bridge Property Value
Protocol AMBA 5 ACE5-Lite55
Clock fpga2hps_clock (from FPGA)
Data width 256-bit
Address width 40-bit
ID width 5-bit
Fixed burst No
Min narrow burst size 1 byte
Max wrap burst length 16
Read interleaving Yes
Ready latency requirement Yes
A*Region Width 0
A*Len Width 7 (256)
A*QoS Width 4
nPendingTrans (Issuance/Acceptance) 16
nPendingOrderID 16
55 You can use the Altera ACE5-Lite Cache Coherency Translator IP to connect any AXI or Avalon® memory-mapped FPGA Manager in the fabric to the F2H bridge. For more information about this IP, refer to the Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide .