Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents FPGA Access

Some of the HPS peripheral interfaces can be connected to the FPGA fabric, instead of to the dedicated I/O pins. HPS peripherals connect to the FPGA fabric through the FPGA access pin mux. When connected to the FPGA fabric, peripheral interfaces are exposed as ports of the HPS component in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.

Connecting HPS peripherals to the FPGA fabric can be a strategy to make optimal use of the I/O pins available to the HPS. For example, you can route HPS peripherals through the FPGA if your design requires more I/Os than the HPS I/O block provides.

You can route the following HPS peripherals through the FPGA. Select this routing when you instantiate the HPS component. Refer to the Hard Processor System Component Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs .

  • EMAC
  • SPIM
  • SPIS
  • UART
  • I3C
  • I2C

The following HPS peripherals do not support routing to FPGA:

  • USB 3.1
  • USB 2.0
  • NAND
  • GPIO