Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813665
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

10. Document Revision History for the Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

Document Version Quartus® Prime Version IP Version Changes
2024.07.08 24.2 2.1.0
  • Added a note about Agilex™ 5 D-Series FPGAs and SoCs support in the Quick Start Guide topic.
  • Updated Development Stages for the Design Example figure.
  • Updated Directory Structure for the Design Example diagram.
  • Updated synopsys/vcsmx to the Directory and File Description table.
  • Updated Example Design Tab figure.
  • Added a note in the Procedure topic in Generating the Design topic.
  • Updated the Parameters in the Example Design Tab table to include Generate Debug Signal Tap, Select Board, and Select Device Initialization Clock parameter.
  • Added VCS* MX simulation script and updated QuestaSim* command in the Procedure topic in Simulating the Design topic.
  • Updated Compiling and Configuring the Design Example in Hardware topic.
  • Added Signal Tap Debugging and Debugging Signals topics.
  • Updated the following topics for 10M/100M/1G ethernet design example:
    • Updated Hardware and Software Requirements topic to add VCS* MX support and add hardware testing requirements.
    • Updated Reset Scheme topic to add information about In-System Sources and Probes (ISSP).
    • Updated Reset Scheme for 10M/100M/1G Ethernet Design Example figure.
    • Added Hardware Testing topic.
    • Updated Interface Signals of the Design Example figure.
    • Updated Register Map table.
    • Added Packet Generator and Traffic Monitor Register Map topic.
  • Updated the following topics for 1G/2.5G ethernet design example:
    • Updated Hardware and Software Requirements topic to add VCS* MX support.
    • Updated Clocking Scheme for 1G/2.5G Ethernet Design Example with IEEE 1588v2 Feature figure.
    • Updated Interface Signals of the 1G/2.5G Ethernet Design Examples with IEEE 1588v2 Feature figure.
  • Updated the following topics for 2.5G ethernet design example:
    • Updated Hardware and Software Requirements topic to add VCS* MX support and add hardware testing requirements.
    • Updated Reset Scheme topic to add information about In-System Sources and Probes (ISSP).
    • Updated Reset Scheme for 2.5G Ethernet Design Example figure.
    • Added Hardware Testing topic.
    • Updated Interface Signals of the 2.5G Ethernet Design Example figure.
    • Updated Register Map table.
    • Added Packet Generator and Traffic Monitor Register Map topic.
  • Updated the following topics for 10M/100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G (USXGMII) ethernet design example:
    • Updated Hardware and Software Requirements topic to add VCS* MX support and add hardware testing requirements.
    • Updated Reset Scheme topic to add information about In-System Sources and Probes (ISSP).
    • Added Hardware Testing topic.
    • Updated Interface Signals of the 10M/100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G (USXGMII) Ethernet Design Example figure.
    • Updated Register Map table.
    • Added Packet Generator and Traffic Monitor Register Map topic.
  • Added information about 10M/100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G (USXGMII) Ethernet Design Example with IEEE 1588 design example variant.
  • Updated the Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Signals table.
  • Updated 1G/2.5G/5G/10G Multirate PHY Register Definitions table to include datapath latency registers.
2024.04.01 24.1 2.0.0 Initial public release.