Cyclone® V to Agilex™ 5 Device Migration Guide

ID 787947
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2. IP Comparison Between Cyclone® V and Agilex™ 5 Devices

The list of IP cores supported in Quartus® Prime Standard Edition and Quartus® Prime Pro Edition differ due to the device families each Quartus® Prime version supports. Depending on the reuse capability of the IP cores, you can upgrade some designs immediately from Quartus® Prime Standard Edition to Quartus® Prime Pro Edition. However, in some designs, you must remove existing Quartus® Prime Standard Edition IP cores and replace them with IPs available only in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.


You cannot upgrade IP cores instantiated in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.2.1 to 23.4. Regenerate the instantiated IPs to proceed with your project. However, IP auto-upgrade will upgrade IPs from 23.4 to 24.1 and later releases.

The IP reuse action guideline in the following table is only applicable if you are migrating to Agilex™ 5 device or reusing IPs from Cyclone® V in Agilex™ 5 devices.

The following table compares available Cyclone® V IPs in the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition and the equivalent Agilex™ 5 IPs that the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition support:

Table 34.  Comparison of IPs Between Cyclone® V and Agilex™ 5 Devices
Area IP Name in Cyclone® V IP Name in Agilex™ 5 Status in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1 IP Reuse Action Guideline Relevant Document
Basic Functions
Arithmetic ALTERA_CORDIC CORDIC Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. CORDIC Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_ABS Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_ADD_SUB Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_ATAN Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_COMPARE Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_CONVERT Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_DIV Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_EXP Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_INV Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_INV_SQRT Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_LOG Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_MULT Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_SINCOS Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTMEMMULT LPM_MULT Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the LPM_MULT Intel® FPGA IP. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTMULT_COMPLEX ALTMULT_COMPLEX Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the ALTMULT_COMPLEX Intel® FPGA IP. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTSQRT ALTSQRT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic LPM_ADD_SUB LPM_ADD_SUB Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic LPM_COMPARE LPM_COMPARE Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic LPM_COUNTER LPM_COUNTER Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic LPM_DIVIDE LPM_DIVIDE Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic LPM_MULT LPM_MULT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the LPM_MULT Intel® FPGA IP. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic PARALLEL_ADD PARALLEL_ADD Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic FP_ACC_CUSTOM Intel® FPGA IP Floating Point Custom Accumulator Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic FP_FUNCTIONS Intel® FPGA IP Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and regenerate the Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Arithmetic ALTFP_SQRT Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP. Floating-Point IP Cores User Guide
Bridges and Adapters/Clock Clock Bridge Clock Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Interrupt IRQ Bridge IRQ Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped Address Span Extender Address Span Extender Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped Avalon-MM Clock Crossing Bridge Avalon Memory Mapped Clock Crossing Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped Avalon-MM Pipeline Bridge Avalon Memory Mapped Pipeline Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped Avalon-MM Unaligned Burst Expansion Bridge Avalon Memory Mapped Unaligned Burst Expansion Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped AXI Bridge AXI Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped AXI Timeout Bridge AXI Timeout Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Memory Mapped JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Bridges and Adapters/Reset Reset Bridge Reset Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon Packets to Transaction Converter Avalon Packets to Transaction Converter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide

Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Adapter Avalon Streaming Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Bytes to Packets Converter Avalon-ST Bytes to Packets Converter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Channel Adapter Avalon Streaming Channel Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Data Format Adapter Avalon Streaming Data Format Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Delay Avalon Streaming Delay Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Demultiplexer Avalon Streaming Demultiplexer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Error Adapter Avalon Streaming Error Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Multiplexer Avalon Streaming Multiplexer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Packets to Bytes Converter Avalon-ST Packets to Bytes Converter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Pipeline Stage Avalon Streaming Pipeline Stage Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Splitter Avalon Streaming Splitter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Bridges and Adapters/Streaming Avalon-ST Timing Adapter Avalon Streaming Timing Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Clocks; PLLs and Resets ALTCLKCTRL Intel® FPGA IP Clock Control Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Clock Control Intel® FPGA IP. Clocking and PLL User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Clocks; PLLs and Resets Clock Source N/A N/A Upgrade IP core to latest version or replace with Clock Bridge Intel® FPGA IP.  
Clocks; PLLs and Resets Merlin Reset Controller Reset Controller Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Clocks; PLLs and Resets Reset Sequencer Reset Sequencer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Clocks; PLLs and Resets/PLL PLL Intel® FPGA IP IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP. Clocking and PLL User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Clocks; PLLs and Resets/PLL PLL Reconfig Intel® FPGA IP Not supported Not enabled yet Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Advanced SEU Detection Intel® FPGA IP Advanced SEU Detection Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Replace the ASD IP (altera_adv_seu_detection) to ASD IP (stratix10_asd). Advanced SEU Detection Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Reset Release Intel® FPGA IP Reset Release Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Replace the Reset Release Intel® FPGA IP (s10_user_rst_clkgate) with the Reset Release Intel FPGA IP (intel_user_rst_clkgate). Device Configuration User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Configuration and Programming ASMI Parallel II Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming ASMI Parallel Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Error Message Register Unloader Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Fault Injection Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Internal Oscillator Configuration Clock Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Configuration Clock Intel® FPGA IP. Clocking and PLL User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Configuration and Programming Legacy EPCS/EPCQx1 Flash Controller Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Parallel Flash Loader Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Parallel Flash Loader Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Partial Reconfiguration Intel® FPGA IP Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel® FPGA IP. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration
Configuration and Programming Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Serial Flash Controller II Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Serial Flash Controller Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Configuration and Programming Serial Flash Loader Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Configuration and Programming Unique Chip ID Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
I/O ALTDDIO_BIDIR GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP. General-Purpose I/O User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O ALTDDIO_IN GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP. General-Purpose I/O User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O ALTDDIO_OUT GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP. General-Purpose I/O User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O ALTDLL Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
I/O ALTIOBUF GPIO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP. General-Purpose I/O User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O ALTLVDS_RX LVDS SERDES Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the LVDS SERDES Intel® FPGA IP. LVDS SERDES User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O ALTLVDS_TX LVDS SERDES Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the LVDS SERDES Intel® FPGA IP. LVDS SERDES User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
I/O PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove existing IP and regenerate PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP. PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
I/O ALTOCT Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. The function is part of PHY Lite for Parallel Interfaces Intel® FPGA IP.  
Miscellaneous ALTECC ALTECC Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Intel® FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
Miscellaneous LPM_CLSHIFT LPM_CLSHIFT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Miscellaneous LPM_CONSTANT LPM_CONSTANT Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Miscellaneous LPM_DECODE LPM_DECODE Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Miscellaneous LPM_MUX LPM_MUX Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Miscellaneous LPM_SHIFTREG LPM_SHIFTREG Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
DMA DMA Controller Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Scalable Scatter-Gather DMA Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
DMA Modular Scatter-Gather DMA Intel® FPGA IP Modular Scatter-Gather DMA Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
DMA Scatter-Gather DMA Controller Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
DMA/mSGDMA Sub-core Modular SGDMA Dispatcher Intel® FPGA IP Modular SGDMA Dispatcher Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
DMA/mSGDMA Sub-core Modular SGDMA Prefetcher Intel® FPGA IP Modular SGDMA Prefetcher Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
DMA/mSGDMA Sub-core Read Master Intel® FPGA IP Read Master Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.
Note: This IP supports AVMM master and slave mode, and not AXI.
DMA/mSGDMA Sub-core Write Master Intel® FPGA IP Write Master Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.
Note: This IP supports AVMM master and slave mode, and not AXI.
On Chip Memory Avalon FIFO Memory Intel® FPGA IP Avalon FIFO Memory Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
On Chip Memory Avalon-ST Dual Clock FIFO Avalon Streaming Dual Clock FIFO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
On Chip Memory Avalon-ST Multi-Channel Shared Memory FIFO Avalon-ST Multi-Channel Shared Memory FIFO Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
On Chip Memory Avalon-ST Round Robin Scheduler Avalon-ST Round Robin Scheduler Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
On Chip Memory Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO Avalon Streaming Single Clock FIFO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
On Chip Memory FIFO IP FIFO Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. FIFO Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

On Chip Memory RAM Initializer Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
On Chip Memory RAM: 1-PORT RAM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the RAM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
On Chip Memory RAM: 2-PORT RAM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the RAM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
On Chip Memory ROM: 1-PORT ROM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the ROM: 1-PORT Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
On Chip Memory ROM: 2-PORT ROM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the ROM: 2-PORT Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
On Chip Memory Shift register (RAM-based) Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Shift Register (RAM-based) Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Memory User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
On Chip Memory On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) Intel® FPGA IP On-Chip Memory II (RAM or ROM) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the On-Chip Memory II (RAM or ROM) Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Altera SignalTap II Logic Analyzer Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Altera Soft Core JTAG IO Soft Core JTAG I/O Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Altera Virtual JTAG Virtual JTAG Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Virtual JTAG Intel® FPGA IP Core User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Intel® FPGA In-System Sources & Probes In-System Sources & Probes Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Performance Counter Unit Intel® FPGA IP Performance Counter Unit Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance SLD Hub Controller Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance SLD Hub Controller System Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance System ID Peripheral Intel® FPGA IP System ID Peripheral Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance Trace System Trace System Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Video and Image Processing Suite User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance USB Debug Link USB Debug Link Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Debug and Performance USB Debug Master USB Debug Master Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Altera Avalon MM Monitor Altera Avalon-MM Monitor Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon Interrupt Sink Intel® FPGA IP Avalon Interrupt Sink Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon Interrupt Source Intel® FPGA IP Avalon Interrupt Source Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon-MM Master BFM Intel® FPGA IP Avalon-MM Master BFM Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon-MM Slave BFM Intel® FPGA IP Avalon-MM Slave BFM Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon-ST Monitor Intel® FPGA IP Avalon-ST Monitor Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon-ST Sink BFM Intel® FPGA IP Avalon-ST Sink BFM Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Avalon-ST Source BFM Intel FPGA IP Avalon-ST Source BFM Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Clock Source BFM Intel FPGA IP Clock Source BFM Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Conduit BFM Intel FPGA IP Conduit BFM Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation External Memory BFM Intel FPGA IP External Memory BFM Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI3 Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI3 Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI3 Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI3 Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI3 Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI3 Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4 Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4 Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4 Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4 Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4 Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4 Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4-lite Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Inline Monitor BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Master BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Mentor Graphics AXI4STREAM Slave BFM ( Intel® FPGA Edition) Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Nios II Custom Instruction Master BFM Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Nios II Custom Instruction Slave BFM Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Reset Source BFM Intel® FPGA IP Reset Source BFM Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Simulation Tri-State Conduit BFM Intel® FPGA IP Tri-State Conduit BFM Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Verification Altera Avalon Data Pattern Checker Avalon Data Pattern Checker Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro EditionUser Guide: Platform Designer
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Verification Altera Avalon Data Pattern Generator Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Verification Avalon-MM Traffic Generator and BIST Engine Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Verification Avalon-ST Test Pattern Checker Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Simulation; Debug and Verification/Verification Avalon-ST Test Pattern Generator Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Error Detection and Correction BCH Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Error Detection and Correction High-Speed Reed-Solomon Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Error Detection and Correction Reed Solomon II Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Error Detection and Correction Turbo Turbo Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Turbo Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Error Detection and Correction Viterbi Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Filters CIC CIC Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook
Filters FIR II FIR II Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook
Floating Point Floating Point Hardware 2 Combinatorial Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Floating Point Floating Point Hardware 2 Multi-cycle Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Signal Generation NCO NCO Intel FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with NCO Intel FPGA IP. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook
Transforms FFT FFT Intel FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook
Video and Image Processing 2D-FIR II (4K ready) Intel® FPGA IP FIR Filter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the FIR Filter Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Avalon-ST Video Monitor Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the IP.  
Video and Image Processing Avalon-ST Video Stream Cleaner Intel® FPGA IP Stream Cleaner Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Stream Cleaner Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Chroma Resampler II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Chroma Resampler Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Chroma Resampler Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Clipper II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Clipper Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Clipper Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Clocked Video Input II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Clocked Video Input Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Clocked Video Input Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Clocked Video Output II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Clocked Video Output Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Clocked Video Output Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Color Plane Sequencer II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Color Plane Manager Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Color Plane Manager Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Color Space Converter II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Color Space Converter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Color Space Converter Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Configurable Guard Bands (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Guard Bands Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Guard Bands Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Deinterlacer II (4K HDR passthrough) Intel® FPGA IP Deinterlacer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Deinterlacer Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Frame Buffer II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Video Frame Buffer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Video Frame Buffer Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Gamma Corrector II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP 1D LUT Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the 1D LUT Intel® FPGA IP.  
Video and Image Processing Interlacer II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Interlacer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Interlacer Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Mixer II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Mixer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Mixer Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Scaler II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Scaler Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Scaler Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Switch II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Switch Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Switch Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Video and Image Processing Test Pattern Generator II (4K Ready) Intel® FPGA IP Test Pattern Generator Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Test Pattern Generator Intel® FPGA IP. Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Interface Protocols
Audio & Video Audio Embed Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Audio & Video Audio Extract Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Audio & Video Clocked Audio Input Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Audio & Video Clocked Audio Output Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Audio & Video DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Not supported Not enabled yet Remove the existing IP and replace with the new IP.  
Audio & Video SDI II Intel® FPGA IP Not supported Not enabled yet Remove the existing IP and replace with the new IP.  
Ethernet/10G to 1G Multi-rate Ethernet Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP. Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC Intel® FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Ethernet/10G to 1G Multi-rate Ethernet XAUI PHY IP 1G/2.5G/5G/10G Multirate Ethernet PHY Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the 1G/2.5G/5G/10G Multirate Ethernet PHY Intel® FPGA IP. 1G/2.5G/5G/10G Multirate Ethernet PHY Intel® FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Ethernet/1G Multi-rate Ethernet Triple-Speed Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Triple-Speed Ethernet for Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and regenerate the Triple-Speed Ethernet for Intel® FPGA IP. Triple-Speed Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Ethernet/Reference Design Components Ethernet IEEE 1588 Time of Day Clock Intel® FPGA IP Ethernet IEEE 1588 Time of Day Clock Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Ethernet Design Example Components User Guide
Ethernet/Reference Design Components Ethernet IEEE 1588 TOD Synchronizer Intel® FPGA IP Ethernet IEEE 1588 TOD Synchronizer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Ethernet Design Example Components User Guide
Ethernet/Reference Design Components Ethernet MDIO Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Ethernet/Reference Design Components Ethernet Packet Classifier Intel® FPGA IP Ethernet Packet Classifier Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. eCPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
JESD JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP Not supported Not enabled yet Remove the existing IP.  
PCI Express Avalon-MM Cyclone V Hard IP for PCI Express Intel® FPGA IP GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* . GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide
PCI Express PHY for PCI Express (PIPE) Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
PCI Express Cyclone V Hard IP for PCI Express Intel® FPGA IP GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* . GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide
PCI Express PCIe Reconfig Driver Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
PCI Express/Example Design Components Application Avalon-Streaming Hard IP for PCI Express* Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Serial 16550 Compatible UART Intel® FPGA IP 16550 Compatible UART Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and regenerate 16550 Compatible UART Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial Avalon I2C (Master) Intel® FPGA IP Avalon I2C (Master) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial Avalon-ST Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Intel® FPGA IP Avalon-ST Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial eSPI to LPC bridge Intel® FPGA IP eSPI to LPC bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial Intel® eSPI slave Intel® eSPI slave Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial JTAG UART Intel® FPGA IP JTAG UART Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial Lightweight UART (RS-232 Serial Port) Intel® FPGA IP Lightweight UART (RS-232 Serial Port) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Serial SPI (4 Wire Serial) Intel® FPGA IP SPI (4 Wire Serial) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Serial UART (RS-232 Serial Port) Intel® FPGA IP LWUART Intel® FPGA IP. N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with LWUART Intel® FPGA IP.  
Transceiver PHY Transceiver PHY Reset Controller Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. The function is part of the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP.  
Transceiver PHY Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller Intel® FPGA IP Not supported Not enabled yet Remove the existing IP.  
Transceiver PHY Transceiver Native PHY Cyclone V Intel® FPGA IP GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP Enabled

Remove the existing IP and replace with the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP.

FPGA GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide
Transceiver PHY Custom PHY Intel® FPGA IP GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP Enabled

Remove the existing IP and replace with the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP.

FPGA GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide
Transceiver PHY Deterministic Latency PHY Intel® FPGA IP GTS CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP Enabled

Remove the existing IP and replace with the GTS CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP.

CPRI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Transceiver PHY Cyclone V Transceiver PLL Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. The function is part of the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP FPGA GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide
Memory Interfaces and Controllers
Flash Generic QUAD SPI controller II Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Flash Generic QUAD SPI Controller Intel® FPGA IP Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Memory Interfaces with UniPHY DDR2 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Determine the memory standard that suits your application requirement, and generate the External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP. External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Memory Interfaces with UniPHY DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Determine the memory standard that suits your application requirement, and generate the External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP. External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Memory Interfaces with UniPHY LPDDR2 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Determine the memory standard that suits your application requirement, and generate the External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP. External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs
Processors and Peripherals
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Bitswap Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Custom Instruction Interconnect Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Migrate to Nios® V Custom Instructions interface.  
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Custom Instruction Master Translator Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Migrate to Nios® V Custom Instructions interface.  
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Custom Instruction Slave Translator Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Migrate to Nios® V Custom Instructions interface.  
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Floating Point Hardware Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Co-Processors/ Nios® II Custom Instructions Floating Point Hardware 2 Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Embedded Processors Nios® II Processor Nios® V/m Processor Intel® FPGA IP or Nios® V/g Processor Intel® FPGA IP N/A Remove the existing IP and replace with the Nios V/m Processor Intel® FPGA IP or Nios V/g Processor Intel® FPGA IP. Nios® V Processor Reference Manual
Embedded Processors Nios® V/g Processor Intel® FPGA IP Nios® V/g Processor Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Nios® V Processor Reference Manual
Embedded Processors Nios® V/m Processor Intel® FPGA IP Nios® V/m Processor Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Nios® V Processor Reference Manual
Hard Processor Components Altera HPS EMAC Interface Splitter HPS EMAC Interface Splitter Intel® FPGA IP Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Hard Processor Components Altera HPS Trace IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Hard Processor Components HPS GMII to RGMII Converter Intel® FPGA IP HPS GMII to RGMII Adapter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the HPS GMII to RGMII Adapter Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Hard Processor Components HPS GMII to TSE 1000BASE-X/SGMII PCS Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Hard Processor Components MII-to-RMII Converter Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Hard Processor Systems Arria® V/ Cyclone® V Hard Processor System Hard Processor System Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Hard Processor System Intel® FPGA IP. Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs
Inter-Process Communication Avalon Mailbox (simple) Intel® FPGA IP Avalon Mailbox (simple) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Inter-Process Communication Avalon Mutex Intel® FPGA IP Avalon Mutex Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Inter-Process Communication Interrupt Latency Counter Intel® FPGA IP Interrupt Latency Counter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Inter-Process Communication MSI to GIC Generator Intel® FPGA IP MSI to GIC Generator Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Peripherals I2C Slave To Avalon-MM Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP I2C Slave To Avalon-MM Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Peripherals Interval Timer Intel® FPGA IP Interval Timer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Peripherals Lauterbach Trace Interface IP Trace Interface Intel® FPGA IP for Lauterbach Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Trace Interface Intel® FPGA IP for Lauterbach.  
Peripherals PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel® FPGA IP PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Peripherals Pixel Converter (BGR0 --> BGR) Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Peripherals SPI Slave to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP SPI Slave to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Peripherals Vectored Interrupt Controller Vectored Interrupt Controller Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Remove the existing IP and replace with the Vectored Interrupt Controller Intel® FPGA IP. Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide
Peripherals Video Sync Generator Intel® FPGA IP Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Platform Designer Interconnect
Interrupt Merlin IRQ Clock Crosser Merlin IRQ Clock Crosser Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Interrupt Merlin IRQ Fanout Merlin IRQ Fanout Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Interrupt Merlin IRQ Mapper Merlin IRQ Mapper Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped AHB Slave Agent AHB Slave Agent Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped APB Master Agent APB Master Agent Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped APB Slave Agent APB Slave Agent Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped APB Translator APB Translator Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Avalon MM Master Agent Avalon MM Master Agent Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Avalon MM Master Translator Avalon MM Master Translator Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Avalon MM Slave Agent Avalon MM Slave Agent Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Avalon MM Slave Translator Avalon MM Slave Translator Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped AXI Master Network Interface (AXI Master Agent) Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped AXI Slave Network Interface (AXI Slave Agent) Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped AXI Translator Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Error Response Slave Error Response Slave Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Arbiter Memory Mapped Arbiter Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Burst Adapter Memory Mapped Burst Adapter Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory-Mapped Combined sc_fifo Limiter Memory-Mapped Combined sc_fifo Limiter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Combined Width Adapter Memory Mapped Combined Width Adapter Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Demultiplexer Memory Mapped Demultiplexer Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Multiplexer Memory Mapped Multiplexer Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory-Mapped Multithread Traffic Limiter Memory-Mapped Multithread Traffic Limiter Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Router Memory Mapped Router Not enabled yet Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Memory-Mapped Memory-Mapped ThreadID mapping Memory-Mapped ThreadID Mapping Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Memory-Mapped ThreadIDs Splitter Memory-Mapped ThreadIDs Splitter Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Traffic Limiter Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Memory Mapped Width Adapter Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Avalon-ST Dual Clock FIFO Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Demultiplexer Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Demultiplexer Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Memory Mapped Router Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Memory Mapped Router Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Memory-Mapped Alpha Multiplexer Not supported N/A Remove the existing IP.  
Tri-State Components Conduit Pin Divider Conduit Pin Divider Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version.  
Tri-State Components Generic Tri-State Controller Generic Tri-State Controller Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Tri-State Components Tri-State Conduit Bridge Tri-State Conduit Bridge Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Tri-State Components
Tri-State Components Tri-State Conduit Bridge Translator Tri-State Conduit Bridge Translator Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer
Tri-State Components Tri-State Conduit Pin Sharer Tri-State Conduit Pin Sharer Intel® FPGA IP Enabled Upgrade IP core to the latest version. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer