L- and H-Tile Avalon® Streaming and Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683111
Date 10/27/2023

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Document Table of Contents Launching the PCIe* Link Inspector

Use the design example you compiled in the Quick Start Guide, to familiarize yourself with the PCIe* Link Inspector. Follow the steps in the Generating the Avalon® -ST Design or Generating the Avalon® -MM Design and Compiling the Design to generate the SRAM Object File, (.sof) for this design example.
To use the PCIe* Link Inspector, download the .sof to the Intel® Stratix® 10 Development Kit. Then, open the System Console on the test PC and load the design to the System Console as well. Loading the .sof to the System Console allows the System Console to communicate with the design using NPDME. NPDME is a JTAG-based Avalon® -MM master. It drives an Avalon® -MM slave interfaces in the PCIe* design. When using NPDME, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software inserts the debug interconnect fabric to connect with JTAG.

Here are the steps to complete these tasks:

  1. Use the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer to download the .sof to the Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA Development Kit.
    Note: To ensure that you have the correct operation, you must use the same version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer and Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software that you used to generate the .sof.
  2. To load the design to the System Console:
    1. Launch the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software on the test PC.
    2. Start the System Console, Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console.
    3. On the System Console File menu, select Load design and browse to the .sof file.
    4. Select the .sof and click OK.
      The .sof loads to the System Console.
  3. In the System Console Tcl console, type the following commands:
    % cd  <project_dir>/ip/pcie_example_design/
    % source TCL/setup_adme.tcl
    % source TCL/xcvr_pll_test_suite.tcl
    % source TCL/pcie_link_inspector.tcl

    The source TCL/pcie_link_inspector.tcl command automatically outputs the current status of the PCIe* link to the Tcl Console. The command also loads all the PCIe* Link Inspector functionality.

    Figure 80. Using the Tcl Console to Access the PCIe* Link Inspector